Why a porn star-payoff is exactly the right first criminal trial for Donald Trump

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 192 points –
Why a porn star-payoff is exactly the right first criminal trial for Donald Trump

Counter argument. We should really be prioritizing the coup attempt first.

(I know we can do both but this headline is fucking dumb).

Jan. 6th is definitely the one that will most affect citizens’ opinion of him. The documents case is the most likely to get a conviction, however, Judge Cannon may still not rule fairly in the face of strong evidence.

You'd think the evangelicals would lose their minds over this, but they'll still worship him like the 2nd coming of Jesus

There's an assumption that evangelicals are good people and would recognize evil people.

But they're not good people. They're the evil ones.

Alternate take: Since this happened before he was president, it's less likely to get quashed by scotus with the presidential immunity argument

this one reminds the nation that he emerged from a sleazy sewer that blended trashy celebrity culture and misogyny.


I think you’ll find (again) that republicans don’t actually stand for any of the values they claim is the strong basis of their existence. It’s only a foot stool so they can feel comfortable inflicting their hate and judgment.

Yes but the more we can show them blatantly going against their values the better we can convince the decent people to not vote R again.

It's not like all the people who vote for Trump are evil white-supremacists. A lot of them are just stupid.

Edit: granted, it's a level of stupidity that should be criminalized, but still. They're alive and it's not illegal to be very stupid.

Well, it's not quite a porn star pay off.

That's what started it, and allowed what's-their-name to bring it as a felony instead of a misdemeanor.

the business fraud is usually a misdemeanor, but because he committed the banking fraud to cover up another crime (the campaign finance laws,) that elevates it to a felony.

Someone wrote an article about this?!? Obviously the porn-related trial should come


The trial can't proceed without a long drawn out build up of evidence first, we're really going to tease it out.

Don't hold your breath for it to finish. Excuse me, do hold your breath, it helps - maybe get someone to help you hold your breath.

Knowing Trump this is the first trial of his that will come to verdict in under five minutes. I'm sure he'll make excuses about how many appeals he can usually manage.

Rather than a flood of revelations, I'm sure this trial will only come out in drips and drabs.

Scumbag piece of shit planted stories about himself in trashy magazines. I'd forgot about that.

Well it will do that, but the reason really is that Trump falsified business records, which is a felony in NY.

Shouldn't even have to get to the payoff part. He cheated on his pregnant model wife with a meh porn star. Why this part is glossed over by his supporters baffles me.