Cops taser a handcuffed protester at Emory University to Crazy Fucking – 264 points –
Police Use Taser on Detained Protester at Atlanta's Emory University

White cops using their torure sticks on a lying, handcuffed black man for protesting against genocide.

I'm sure this'll look great to the future generations that see this.

Sad part is, color doesn't matter once they get that kind of power. Male, female, black, white, and everyone in-between leads to abuse. Several experiments have been done over the years with the same conclusion.

I had to reread your comment a few times. You're talking about the color of the person abusing their power, not the color of their victim, right?

Yes, cops love abusing POC. However, all cops no matter their background love abusing everyone.

Taser is torture

Electrocution is torture.

Tasers are less lethal weapons and used instead of bullets.

They should not be used like cattle prods when people aren't doing whatever is being yelled at them or on people who aren't moving fast enough for impatient cops.

We need the name of those officers and the contact information for every relevant ethics/review/legal committee that can fuck up their lives.

Sorry, no police review allowed. We can't have them being held accountable for breaking the law or violating our rights.

If you ever doubted that cruelty is the point, here you go.

This is such a rage-inducing video, fuck my life. Just makes you want to run up and crush that taser cop's balls with a solid kick.

They probably think he's resisting putting his hand into cuffs, not having worked out that cop 3 is causing all his muscles to spasm uncontrollably.

Yeah def not registering for a site that requires a login to view anything.