Congress is killing Biden’s cancer moonshot to politics – 72 points –

Hah, so Republicans are pro-cancer, who would have thought...

They ARE the cancer, so its just self-preservation

Suffering costs people money. Cancer care costs about $200 billion dollars a year. Who in their right mind would cure cancer when it's so profitable??? /s

Pretty much this. It's this-quarter thinking: if we develop a cure, what are the profits gonna look like this quarter. Not next quarter, not in 3 years when it's proven effective and sells on the market like hotcakes, this quarter. Short-term profit-seeking is killing us all.

We are getting very close to excellent treatments while also multiplying our knowledge base. Now is the time to step on the financial gas. But, we won't, and private business will reap the benefits.

This was supposed to be the illness that everyone could agree is bad. Up is down. Sick? Fuck you, I have to own the libs.

I wonder if the conservatives would vote differently with a Republican president? Shameful either way, blaming it on cutting entitlements.

First, stop calling it a "moonshot." That only bolsters the Republican argument. They'd used the word at least 25 times before I got far enough into the article to know they weren't talking about experiments in space. Experiments a reasonable person might think it could be reasonable to cut.

hey’d used the word at least 25 times before I got far enough into the article to know they weren’t talking about experiments in space

It sounds like the issue is you don't know an idiom then...

"Moonshot" is something that sounds impossible, but doesn't mean it is impossible.

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