Doing my part

mudle@lemmy.mlmod to Linux – 311 points –

See, this is the kind of data collection I'm okay with. When it's to genuinely help make the product I'm using better and not just to line someone's pockets or feed the algorithm.

Valve aren't perfect - they can make mistakes, too - but it fucking shows when someone up top actually cares about what they're doing.

I sincerely hope that Gaben has a worthy prodigy lined up for when he's no longer in charge.

I hope so too, but history has shown us time and again that sequels are usually worse off compared to the originals ;)

Hopefully Gabe can pull off the Terminator 2 of successors, but that just means it'll only be downhill from there.

There are some decent spinoffs, at least!

The second CEO of Valve will be good, but there won't be a third 😔

I appreciate how Valve does this. They ask, they let you know how its used, its not associated with individual accounts, you can view the info submitted before it gets submitted.

This low effort content is the 2nd most upvoted post in this sub in the last month?

I was thinking exactly the same thing. A ton of upvotes just for a screenshot of Steam Survey window. 🥴

You're criticising the OP for low effort, but also the community for high interest. What are you trying to say really?

I actually criticize the community's high interest in a screenshot for a stupid hardware survey.

I take pride in being able to represent Linux through a "stupid hardware survey."

I say this "low effort" content encompasses more meaning than what your mind could understand at the moment of your reply or, previously, at the flash of a moment that has passed when you skimmed through it. BUT I see where you're coming from (sorry about that).

Funny j just got one today.

Of course I did my part!

First steam survey I ever got and I have been on steam as long as I can remember.

I salute you!🫡

One more gaming PC with Linux for adding to those higher stats of Tux ;)

Been using Steam for over 10 years but never got asked to do any survey. Is it something you need to turn on or register to? I would love to add my VR headset, my MacBook air (yes I game on it on-the-go), and my ancient PC from 2012 to the statistics.

Wow. I've gotten quite a few Steam Survey requests throughout the years; from what I can tell, it picks users 'at random'. I've also read very mixed things on whether or not you can do it yourself, eg; go into settings and choose to do it?? Or run some command/dialog on Steam startup??

Yeah, I've heard you can trigger it.

Perhaps OP opted out somehow? Because I've gotten it a few times over the past few years, and twice on my Steam Deck. I've gotten it twice on my work laptop too, but I refuse each time because I rarely use it to play games. I also got it once on Windows, and I boot into Windows like once/year...

They randomly select a number of users each time. You may just have been unlucky

One of the few corporations (along with kde and Mozilla) I would happily share by data to

I'm waiting for the survey to reach me on my Steam Deck running OpenSUSE. I wonder if they keep a special eye on Decks not running SteamOS.

How is it? I use openSUSE on everything (desktop, laptop, NAS, VPS), except my Steam Deck.

A little bit janky if I'm being honest, but I still prefer it. Like, I use four different types of on screen keyboard (Steam's for everyday stuff, Onboard when I need special keys, Maliit on the lock screen, unl0kr (which cannot handle the Deck's screen rotation yet) to decrypt the drive on boot).

For the installation I had to use the Gnome live image because it was the only one with a usable keyboard. So I guess that makes five different keyboards I used.

I had to do a lot of customisation to get it to a state I'm comfortable with. But on the plus side I don't have to fight against the system to do it. My main motivation was to get encryption working.

Cool, if you have a writeup about it, I'd love to give it a read. So the challenges you had, solutions you came up with, and ergonomics vs original SteamOS.

I don't have any complaints right now, but I like openSUSE and sometimes like to tinker. As long as the controller works well through Steam, I'd probably keep it.

I've recently made two posts about the keyboards and for the encryption there's a bug report about unl0kr in Bazzite where I added a comment. Unfortunately I don't have the energy for a more detailed writeup, but it should be enough to get you started.

The controller works out of the box as a mouse. You just need to have an on screen keyboard installed (or a real one attached via USB) to handle everything else. If you like Gnome that should actually work better out of the box than KDE.

I don't mind either, though I have a slight preference for KDE. I may just install both.

I'll look through those posts and may just make one myself. :)