How to Say Happy Birthday in French to – 165 points –

Is this supposed to make no sense? Because this makes no sense.

Actual context is that iirc the bot posts wikihow titles with a random wikihow image, sometimes leading to hijinks

And here I thought there was some cultural context I was missing, like French people only getting haircuts once a year.

i thought that perhaps birthday wishes in French sound similar-ish to "kkkkkssch" of scissors cutting your hair

Welcome to 196 ๐Ÿ˜‚ first time?

Can we not turn this into vxjunkies please?

I enjoy jokes that you have to think about for a minute, but Iโ€™m also broken, so I will spend an ungodly amount of time trying to figure it out

I really miss my vx junkies... I've been really discouraged about retuning my quantum slice deinhibitor ever since I left reddit.

Please please please make sure you verify the local resonance before you do that. The ambient cascade fields are just wild right now and itโ€™s very easy to cause a discharge

Thanks for the reminder! I've been watching those cascade fields to try to find the right time... Quite something if you have a translocating microvising semifold to view them with.

Yeah well, I guess y'all did good at keeping this an inside joke. After googling for 196, all I get is "We're a shitposting subreddit with moderators that are actively hostile to bigots, bootlickers, and chuds." Clears things up a lot.

Manon des Sources (1986)

Jeanne de Florette and Manon des Sources are both astonishingly great films. But I'm not sure I get the connection here. It's been a while since I saw them, is there something I'm failing to remember?

I vaguely recall someone making a ribbon of Manon's hair and pinning it to their skin.

I mean, I don't care about my hair, which is why it's so long, greasy dry, and in a bun. But I would hurt someone that did this to me randomly.

So you want an appointment? Are you asking me on a date?