Putin pulls out of South Africa summit amid arrest threat

sv1sjp@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 232 points –
Putin pulls out of South Africa summit amid arrest threat

Interesting spin. South African courts would put out an arrest warrant. He wouldn’t be arrested. South Africa would then be sanctioned by NATO members. The South African ruling party thus asked the Kremlin to spare them this fate.

There is a precedent to this situation (al Bashir).

As someone from the Westin Cape of South Africa I know the DA party would be insane enough to use the metropolitan police that they more or less control to symbolicaly arrest him for the publicity if they where given the chance.

DA is the majority party of the Western Cape where Putin would be visiting.

I sometimes feel like the DA would damn us all for the sake of a little publicity

Would the DA be willing to get Cape Town nuked by an offshore submarine? I guess we will never get the opportunity to find out.

"Oh, never mind. I'll just staycation this year. Lot going on at home anyways."

South Africa cannot withdraw from international court? USA are not part of it, so Russia and China..

They certainly could, but I guess they'd rather be in the international court rather than have Putin visit their country.

This is good practice for Ukraine. I’m glad he has courageously taken the first step towards being a reformed war criminal. /s