Ukraine Just Blew Up Russia's Main Missile Base In Occupied Crimea to World – 1678 points –
Ukraine Just Blew Up Russia’s Main Missile Base In Occupied Crimea

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hexbear is an instance full of communist trolls

Being pro Russia because you're pro communist is so fucking weird to me. The Russian federation is an imperialist capitalist oligarchical fascist state.

Being pro Russia because 'own the left' and 'our guy has autocratic dreams' is even weirder

Let's just agree that no matter your political leanings, being pro-Russia is fucking weird.

I swear to god it seemed like there was a massive shift in pro Russian sentiment when we all found out Russia had interfered in the 2016 election because

  1. Obama was doing sanctions about it and a certain group of people is always anti Obama, regardless of what that means, politically
  2. Russia had interfered on behalf of the guy they wanted, therefore Russian interference good

Logic has no place in that weird mob mentality. They're basically pro fascism, just you know the fascists that aren't Western. Makes it good fascism somehow.

Because they're not communists, they're just fascists that don't like being called fascists.

The lengths to which they cry just because people use the word "tankie" is ludicrous. They also have this custom to equate "tankie" and "communist" the same way not too politically literate right wingers do.

Yeah it's all down to the political spectrum bullshit. Far left and far right are complete opposite ends of the spectrum so therefore completely antithetical to one another!

Meanwhile in the real world, fascists and communists (well at least the Leninist/Maoist/Stalinist ones) are all just authoritarians with slightly different rationalizations for it. I kinda feel like the only reason the concept of left/right political spectrum even exists is so some authoritarians in academic circles can claim to be nothing like the Nazis.

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Tankies are not Communists.

No. They are not.

Half of them are the obnoxious trust fund goons who lived on your floor in the dorms and had posters of Che on their walls. They generally came from wealth and this anti-capitalist rhetoric is just them rebelling against their parents. Their dad is probably a non-practicing jew who drives a VW Phaeton . They don't know their birth mothers too well but their step moms are probably women who graduated from high school two classes ahead of themselves. The obnoxious goons who base their entire personality on these kinds of interactions, they pride themselves on being "disliked for speaking truth to power".

The other half are shitheel trolls who are too wrapped up in their own attempts at edgy bullshit to understand the difference between "it's just a joke, bro" and "just drink the fucking kool-aid, bro".

Neither of those groups have any sense of self awareness.

So nah, they aren't communists.

Don't forget the paid Russian and Chinese state actors

I hope we left most of them on reddit.

No platform is free of them. All depends how big it is as to how much attention they give it.

Half of them are the obnoxious trust fund goons who lived on your floor in the dorms and had posters of Che on their walls.

That's... so specific. It sounds like you're just saying things, lol.

Your dad ever bought a Jaffa orange ? well he's buying nukes for Israël. He's a jew

Lemme guess, they say fringe opinions you don't like and that makes them trolls?

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