Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch to politics – 135 points –
Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch

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Can we please get a non-fascist under 50?


AOC, please.

She won't meet the minimum requirements before 2024.

Minimum is being 35 and she'll hit that 23 days before the election:

October 13th, 1989.

Sure she does. The issue is that she won't run against a sitting Democratic president.

My hope is that she runs in 4 years. I can't think of anyone who would even come close to being as good a candidate or president.

No, there's literally minimum requirements to be president that she will not fulfill. Namely, her age.

She'll be 35 before the election...

The rule is you have to be 35 to assume office, not to run a campaign.

Sure she will. Someone already clarified this in this very thread.

Nope, AOC is useless just like Sanders.

Useless? Why? Because they are choosing party unity to prevent the country falling into the hands of a fascist criminal?

Give me a break. I don't like Biden one bit, but NO ONE was going to dethrone him in a primary, so it's better that they go into this with a united front.

i mean sure, but that doesn't mean it's not depressing that BIDEN is the most progressive we're allowed to be until january 2029

Biden is the most progressive we're ever gonna have until something is done about Congress (specifically the Senate) and House representation re: the Apportionment act and gerrymandering.

As long as it still takes Dems 60%+ of the vote to get a bare majority in Congress, it's not going to get any better.

Useless is useless. Only reason we were for him was to fight against the blues to push for real change.

Instead he gives in to the DNS/Biden/Obama democrats and demolishes the grassroots movement many of us put a lot of time to help build.

He is now just another politician pushing for the lesser of two evils spiel.

Do you think anyone is fooled by this little act you're doing?

Guy is all up and down the thread spouting the same crap points.

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There is Pete Buttigieg, though he's an incompetent hack.

The best and most accomplished Transportation secretary in U.S. History and you call him incompetent? Interesting take, can you name any former Transportation secretary that was even half as good as Pete?

Uh...really? We've got planes running into each other while on the runways. I wouldn't run around excited about his tenure in transportation.

How is the Minister of Transport responsible for cockups on runways?

It's kind of his job to put regulations in place to prevent that. Weird it became kind of an epidemic on his watch.

In what world is the Minister taking care of low level things like that? That's like blaming the commander in chief because a squad got deployed to the wrong camp.

So your issue with him is ground traffic at airports?

Good news, they are working to solve that issue where the previous Transportation Secratary ignored the issue.

"We're trying to take a bigger look and do some deeper analysis to see what's going on," Buttigieg told USA TODAY. "It's enough that I'm concerned."

Buttigieg noted that there have been a variety of causes, such as pilot error and controller training.

"That suggests that there's something happening more broadly, perhaps something related to the increase in activity and demand that took place very quickly after the sudden slowdown around COVID."

Acting FAA administrator Billy Nolen, however, told reporters following a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday that it was not clear if runway incursion incidents were on the rise.

"It’s a good question," he said, reports CNN. "We’ll take a look at these near misses and see if there are lessons to be learned."

That's way too harsh. Pete is an opportunist, and opts for politics over principle to a degree that made me dislike him in the last primary... but he's not incompetent.

Incompetent is the correct word. He's a soft R rather than a D.

Have you seen what he has done with the airlines and train disasters?

Did you miss all the news going on with airlines/trains?

He is incompetent and just like any other politician with no real values, just like all the democrats and republicans.

They give in to the fame and the wealthy class.

Sorry, what do you think a transportation secretary does? Do you think he's an air traffic controller?

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