The NYPD has stopped tens of thousands of people under Mayor Adams. Just 5% were white. to – 520 points –

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Holy shit, looks like some people LIKE to get race-baited. They ACTIVELY look for reasons to be baited.

First off the demographics of NYC: 39% White, 23% Black, 27% Hispanic, 13% Asian.

Secondly, the demographics for the NY Police Force: There are MORE minority Police Officers (11,700) than there are white ones (10,500). There are almost as many minority Detectives (2,200) as there are white ones (2,900).

Lastly, do we have to remind everyone who the mayor of NYC is? Newsflash, it's this guy:

But with ALLLLL that, the first thing that people do is jump to the "It'S aLL RaCiSm!1!!!".

You people need to go outside more. You are talking about one of the most diverse cities in the country, with one of the smallest populations of white people, with a police department that is made up of a majority of minority groups and a black mayor. And with all that, you immediately jump to the bullshit that racism is at place.

You don't get a "Get Out of Racism Free" card if you're born a minority, you know.

You misspelled victimhood. This is a city that is nearly split evenly between 3 races (roughly 30% of the population each). In that kind of place, you are not a "minority" unless you want to endlessly be called a victim because you know that will get your special treatment.

This is a place with a black mayor, with majority black police officers, and yet victims still want to cry racism.

Again, you can still enact racist policies while being of the same race as the victims. The problem is institutional, not just personal. Just because they get a black guy, or populate their strike forces with more diverse people, doesn't mean racism is solved. It just means people like you can safely ignore the problem.

There are MORE minority Police Officers (11,700) than there are white ones (10,500). There are almost as many minority Detectives (2,200) as there are white ones (2,900).

In that kind of place, you are not a "minority" unless you want to endlessly be called a victim because you know that will get your special treatment.

Or if you’re trying to prove your point, I guess.

Also, how does the prevalent and well-documented history of black slave traders fit into this narrative of yours? Before you say they were forced into it, they weren’t.

One last question: do you also believe white people can’t be racist against other white people? Because I can show you plenty lol

Racism is a systematic issue. It doesn't just manifest near white skin

Yes, the black mayor has told the black police officers to be racist against black people. Yup. That sure makes a whole ton of sense!1!! /s

You do realize you're getting angry at an argument no one is claiming, right?

Were you born this stupid, or do you just drink a lot of lead paint?

I read a lot of the idiotic responses in this thread and it made my head hurt from the race-baited stupidity.

So you decided to add to the avalanche of idiotic drivel? Bc that's what your comments are. Absolutely moronic buffoonery. You added nothing of value to the conversation, and did nothing to intelligently discuss any actual race-baiting, while performing race-baiting yourself.

Learning about, acknowledging, and discussing systemic issues is a societal duty that all adults should take seriously. But somehow I get the feeling that you see societal issues as a team sport.

Which shows a fundamental lack of intelligence (both mental and emotional), lack of care, and inability to think in a way that opens yourself up to new thought.

Educate yourself, fool.

You're so not racist that you circled around and became racist. Minorities can be racist. The mayor being a black man doesn't mean racism is dead you walnut. FFS has everyone forgotten NWA??

The minority officers are being racist against their own people. In your warped perception of the world that's clearly is what is happening here.

Holy shit folks... he's SO close to actually getting it but doesn't...

Holy shit, you will spin whatever you want to fit you narrative that everyone is RaCiSt!1!!! Because that is what simpletons do.

You can always tell who is right in a conversation because they always call their opponent names and type like SpongeBob

You can tell who has no point in a conversation when it always collapses down to a "durrrrrr he's rAcIsT" argument. Extra funny when the people that are called racist, are claimed to be racist against their own kind.

Extra funny when the people that are called racist, are claimed to be racist against their own kind.

claimed to be racist against their own kind

against their own kind

own kind

Why is it always the racists who claim racism doesn't exist?

Why is it always the stupid ones who come up with conspiracies that don't exist?

Brain dead morons have nothing else to do other than find ways to be offended.

You seem very emotional right now and it's not conducive to a good conversation. Good day to you.

Yes, its pretty standard tactics at this point (sadly) give a couple of the minority you dont like the promise to treat them better if they come to your side so you can use them as a political piece. This is why Caitlyn Jenner has her neiche being the anti-trans trans woman on fox news.

Caitlyn Jenner should be in jail for manslaughter. But reasons.

Do tell us why white people have been stopped significantly far less than non-white people. Are non-white people just natural criminals?

The minority officers are being rAcIsT against their own kind, I guess.

Please answer my question. You're blatantly avoiding it. It's not a good look.

It's racism.... the black cops and black mayor are being racist against black citizens. That's what you want to hear. Clearly. That can be the ONLY answer, right?

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So 40% of the population is only being stopped 5% of the time while the other 60% are stopped 95% of the time? Why didn't you include this statistic with your others? Your superficial argument boils down to someone saying "I'm not racist. A friend of mine is black!"

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