The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

Flying to politics – 1618 points –
The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

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Can we say the obvious for a second?

Good decision. Everyone needs to be able to see this. It's important, especially in this climate.

Something this important, we all need to witness, no matter which way the verdict goes.

Except the people that need to watch it are going to refuse and call it corruption. And still have extremely strong, unmoveable, opinions about it.

Same as the Jan 6th hearing

They'll get their out of context and misleading soundbites from the right wind media overlords, which will only reinforce their blind faith in their lord and savior trump.

Oh that's a good point though.

On one hand the media won't be able to resist actually covering the trial but on the other hand if they do that they'll be informing their viewership, and that can't happen.

Except the people that need to watch it are going to refuse and call it corruption.

And that, even if it's true or not, doesn't really matter.

The point is, this is the first time one of our leaders has been put on trial, it's something that all the people of the nation need to witness, regardless of its effect, or outcome. We can't just be told the outcome, we need to see it with our own eyes.

What's best is everyone will see the evidence.

Not really. The people who need to see and believe the evidence will never see it and will deny that it is anything but lies.

This is cool as Biden continues out his communist regime. Let the down votes flow on behalf of CNN because half of you can't see the other picture. Trump sucks I see that. But fuck y'all love these grocery prices. And diesel prices cause I can't work without it. My 3 kids like to eat too and in this budget we can't even afford that.

These prices were coming whoever was in the White House. That's the result of the economy crashing under the former guy.

Why do you have a diesel vehicle anyway? My wife and I have one of the most fuel efficient vehicles on the road. 11 gallon tank, and gets over 30 mpg.

I laugh at all of the dumbasses driving around in Ford F150s and Dodge Rams guzzling expensive dinosaur juice. Those guys are morons, paying the "dumb boy tax", and I'm sure they complain about it, too. 🤷

A Honda Civic can't tow a trailer of machinery, or haul material to a job

Sure, but there are vehicles between a Civic and a F-350. Small trucks like the Colorado come to mind, I have an Avalanche, but I don't use it with its towing capacity ever. The last time I did was a year and a half ago. It would have cost me much less to rent one than the extra fuel it uses. Most people who have big trucks only use their capacity once every few years or never at all. Often times a crossover works better than a truck, as you can fit 2 x 4s, tools, and stuff in the hatch and use its towing capacity to haul a small trailer when you need it. It's not hauling a backhoe to the job site, but how many backhoes do you need?

But fuck y'all love these grocery prices.

No one "loves" the prices of anything. But that's largely due to Coronavirus, the disease that Trump said at least 38 times would "disappear" and denied for months on end while it continued to spread into a pandemic.

And low interest rates that his cronies took advantage of to get rich during a crisis.