US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China to World – 606 points –
US seizes nearly 1 million barrels of Iranian oil allegedly bound for China | CNN Politics

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And we wonder why they hate us.

How dare we take a stand against genocide.

The US commited genocide in Iraq and helped genocide in Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cambodia...

The US claiming to take a stand against genocide is laughable at best.

It is completely cynical though, because the US still buys plenty of products that are made in chinese labor camps. It is crazy how much kool-aid americans drink and how deep they managed to put their heads up their own ass.

It is crazy how much kool-aid americans drink and how deep they managed to put their heads up their own ass.

... You said in an article where a US ship willingly returned oil to a US dock because it was in violation of US trade sanctions. Could you please at least read up on the event before you decide to act high and mighty?

We? You're posting on a nz server

Wait til you find out about this fun little thing called "federation"

So countries aren’t sovereign now?

Edit: I can’t find any info. What genocide?

Iran can sell their oil to whomever can buy it.

But this was apparently a US company violating US law, your point...the US's sovereign right to enforce their law and confiscate contraband from their citizen.

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They're talking about China.

The article is about Iran. Why is Iran being punished for a Chinese genocide?

They bought the Kool aid?
Genocide is wrong. (wild hot take I know)
Maybe every country should stop it.
If any one country stopped trade with every country that did genocide, they wouldn't have many trading partners.

The article has more to do with the Iranian revolutionary guard, but they somehow sold oil to China.

The antichina people jump on every article that mentions China.

There’s more than one to pick from, but I’ll go with having 2 X chromosomes as my least favorite

They killed all the women? That seems I’ll conceived.

A lot of women are killed or severely punished for normal activities. They would not be harmed if they were men.

What’s it called when you kill a group of people who share a particular national or genetic trait?

Not the subject.

Good luck with your lead poisoning issue

Good luck with the cognitive dissonance. It helps if you try to see different perspectives. Just because a topic makes you uncomfortable, does not mean it’s wrong. Travel overseas to these countries you dislike. They are made up of people, just like you. They live, they love, and they feel pain, just like you. America is a country of 345 million, compared to a world of 8 billion. The minority should never rule the majority. It typically doesn’t end well for the minority. As a citizen of that minority, I’m frustrated that we don’t treat the world equitably. Enjoy this time in the sun, because the night that’s coming will be long and cold.

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