Congressman ‘Caught on Camera’ Pulling Fire Alarm to in Apparent Attempt to Delay Vote to Avoid Shutdown

Flying to politics – 732 points –
Congressman ‘Caught on Camera’ Pulling Fire Alarm to in Apparent Attempt to Delay Vote to Avoid Shutdown

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In any case, isn't this basically the whole "yelling fire in a crowded theater" example of speech that isn't protected and is explicitly criminal? Charge his ass.

The story I'm hearing elsewhere is he pulled the alarm to delay the vote, as Republicans are violating their "72 hours to read the bill" rule they agreed to at the start of this Congressional term.

While I don't condone the actions, the result was a delay, long enough for representatives to read a bill they are voting on, which is something that should always be allowed.

I just find it hilarious that it's a former school principal that pulled this shit. He's probably expelled kids for doing the same.

At the same time, he finally gets to experience the hilarity of it.

That certainly adds interesting context.

I previously read that the 72 page bill was given to House members initially with only about an hour before the vote to read and review it so that helps me make more sense of it than my own face value first conclusion.

If only people got this riled up whenever the other side broke the rules...

The fucking rage of people doing minor dumbshit stuff for kind of good reasons. Won't someone think of the precious norms.

I'll own it: I over reacted.

The older I get, the more critical I realize politics is - when we fuck up, people lose their rights and push our planet closer and closer to non-life-supporting, so seeing dumb shit from the left is especially aggravating cuz that's where our hope is. Dig through my recent posts and you'll find several chewing out Feinstein, and it's for the same reason. We cannot afford that shit in today's political environment - the stakes are just too high.

Yeah, but in this case it seems like the dude was rushing back to fund the government and made a genuine mistake because he was in a hurry.

Reading a bill is part of a normal procedure and the outcome is more important. So, while I don't condone the action, at the end of the day, if the outcome benefits people other than himself, then I can understand his action. The thing is they weren't given enough time to read as Republicans violated their own 72 hours to read the bill rule.

Unless it's a felony they're immune to prosecution while im session.

Well, shit. Now they're all going to do it. Lol

I think McCarthy just found out the only way to stay in power. Every time Gaetz tries to file a motion to vacate the speakership, McCarthy will just pull the fire alarm.

Are they in session while walking the halls?

In session is all time not in recess. They are also protected traveling to D.C. from their home district.

Thank you for clarifying. Could not remember for the life of me.

There's only two sessions a year. The reason the shutdown extension has to happen now is the session is about to adjourn.

You would have to prove intent, which is almost impossible. I accidentally set off a fire alarm once. The relevant signage was totally ambiguous and not even remotely clear.

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