Reuters videographer killed in southern Lebanon [by Israeli strike], other journalists injured to World – 356 points –
Reuters videographer killed in southern Lebanon, other journalists injured

The Associated Press reported that an Israeli shell landed among a group of international journalists killing the Reuters journalist and injuring six others.


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Geez. The article doesn't mention until paragraph six of seven:

"Separately, The Associated Press reported that an Israeli shell landed among a group of international journalists killing the Reuters journalist and injuring six others."

It's crazy that it's not even news that Israel is launching shells at journalists.

they are the most moral army in the world. they told me themselves.

Yeah I’m pretty sure I remember them saying “Im moral” or something like that.

you have never heard them mention how kind they are? They occasionally message a block of flats to warn people they will level it. No other army does this.

SEO and marketing tracking is to be blamed. They keep what you are looking for at the very bottom.

The more time you spend the more money they earn.

I knew there had to be a reason that it's become impossible to find the actual recipe without scrolling through a massive wall of absolute nonsense.

I've often wondered why there's no

Yeah I just look for the “print recipe” link which is usually in volume 6 of the blog

I thought about an HTML website with 26 pages. One for every letter in the alphabet and one sentence at the top of each page "Ctrl-F the dish"

Yes please, I will happily pay you absolutely nothing to make this.

PS - off topic I know but this is one of those examples of how inefficient and nonsensical capitalism is as a way of organizing our society. Here as so often the market has proven its just not capable of meeting our society's need.

And it would probably cost me next to nothing to run since it's just text and HTML formatting.

A lot of sites have a “jump to recipe “ button so you can skip their life story.

Welcome to Israel. Reminder that Shireen was also an American citizen. Pretty sure nobody's gonna bat an eye about this either.

For anyone trying to catch up on things, Shireen Abu Akleh was an experienced Palestinian American journalist killed by the Israeli Defense Force in May of last year. It didn't make it into most mainstream news, but among people who pay attention to these things, it was shocking to see an American journalist murdered by state violence, but unlike Jamaal Khoshogi, the US state department refused to investigate or condemn Israel's actions even after investigations showed it to be implausible that the soldier who killed her wasn't aware of what they were doing.

Her funeral was attacked by Israeli police because they supposedly carried her coffin to the wrong place. Horrible story.

Also the hospital she was treated at before she died.

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