Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carter day after wife Rosalynn entered hospice to politics – 601 points –
Donald Trump mocks Jimmy Carter's presidency day after Rosalynn Carter entered hospice care

This is MAGA in a nutshell.


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Donny's just sad he'd never be able to get someone to spend 77 years with him.

Where's Melania?

I doubt most people can stand to spend 7 minutes with him.

I forgot about Reince Priebus.

Why are all the people he works with so stereotypically evil?

77 years is a lot of mooches.

Also, I think you mean Melanie

A micromooch is known as a stormy and it's based on how long he lasted inside her.

Please don't make your follow lemmings sick.

Sorry, you have to suffer what escapes my brain. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them.

A micromooch is known as a stormy and it’s based on how long he lasted inside her.

I didn't think they were able to measure time periods that short.

It's possible, but only with the most precise of measuring devices.

The 'Melanie' story is new to me.

Keeping up with all of Trump's idiot stories is beyond any one person's capacity

I know it's petty, but dear God, the man can't even spell his own wife's name correctly.

It's not petty, imho. He'd lose his mind if he were introduced as 'Ronald.'

I think it’s far worse than this. I don’t think there’s anything in the world that could bring him happiness. His pathology will not allow for it.

You know the way that the love of your family, or love for your family, brings you happiness? Yeah, that doesn’t work for him. His parents fucked him up real good.

He is the poster child for the end product of spoilt child with the ultimate helicopter parent.

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