Analog problems require kickass solutions to Lemmy – 777 points –

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You can order an adapter for like a dollar on multiple websites. I mean yeah, there's no Radio Shack anymore, but this seems unnecessary.

I think this is more for that time you're at a gig and realise you're missing the adapter.

That does make sense, although it would be weird to go to a gig and not have a 1/4" to RCA adapter but happen to have large-gauge copper wire.

They just leave that shit in the walls in almost every building

Proprietors generally don't care for big holes in their drywall.

Search for access panels such as water shutoff valves.

They're also assuming American houses because nowhere else exists.

I am? Is drywall a uniquely American thing and everywhere else has copper wires exposed? Because that's certainly not what I observed in my travels.

I've never seen drywall used anywhere in Europe, and of course Radio Shack and such are also only American.

Radio Shack doesn't exist, so it isn't American. And I've been in European houses that absolutely have gypsum on their walls, which is what drywall is made from.

Also, Radio Shack was an international company. Just not in Europe.

Maybe you think only Europe matters.

No, I'm just pointing out that using drywall as an argument is a bit silly and that RadioShack is a primarily American thing.

Did you see my link? It absolutely was not primarily an American thing. It just wasn't a European thing. So it does, in fact, sound like you think only what is in Europe matters.

I'll repeat to you once again that this isn't an argument and especially not about what matters or not, as I've never stated no other country matters. I've even lived in a country where "RadioShack" operated, but once again RadioShack as a name is American which is shown in your own link.

I haven't called you wrong or have said that one country matters more than the other, all I've said is that drywall is a silly argument in a case like this especially since it didn't have anything to do with the wall in the first place.

I do agree my first reply is a bit foul, but I've just been kind of sad about comments and posts that don't specify country.

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Much easier to procure at a random hardware store than the adapter though ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Exactly what I just said before I saw your comment. Who carries thick copper wire with them regularly?

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... And you just happen to have a piece of like 12 or 14 AWG copper wire on hand?

I thought it was TIG filler wire, which is copper plated

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You don’t always have the luxury of time though. I work in entertainment, and I’ve definitely scrapped adapters together in a pinch. When you have a show starting in 15 minutes and a musician rolls up with some bespoke gear with weird connections, your only real choice is to bodge something together and make it work.

Nothing quite like seeing five adapters chained together, to go from stereo RCA to TRS 1/8” to TRS 1/4” to dual TS 1/4”, to XLR… All because you didn’t have a direct box that went straight from RCA to XLR, because another musician walked off with it after their show wrapped up at 2AM last night.

Apparently there is at least one RadioShack open. I saw a dude post a video on YouTube about one he found in Wyoming.

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