While everyone is watching the world stage and some are predicting WWIII, isn't there a good chance that the USA is getting close to some kind of civil war?

SnausagesinaBlanket@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 126 points –

All the ingredients are there and it won't take much to put it all together.


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The armaments held by private citizens are laughable in the face of the weapons in the Military.

Any “civil war” in the US would likely be in the form of constant terrorism, not all-out gunfights.

Once the government actually starts cracking down on the domestic terrorists, they have no chance. With all the surveillance they've been doing since 9/11 they're bound to know exactly who to arrest.

Case in point, in only a few years they’ve prosecuted hundreds of people who broke into the Capitol building. They can certainly find you.

They still haven't found the guy that was leaving pipe bombs around on 1/6 have they? I hear what you're saying, but most capitol rioters got caught because they were fucking idiots.

I think that level of idiocy would still hold true for the people who start a civil war.

Yeah, dumbasses would be live streaming placing their IEDs

The exception doesn’t disprove the rule

The small flat blade screwdriver in the front pocket of a mechanic is the most terrifying weapon on the planet.

If there was a true civil war the military would probably be divided with some on one side and some on the other but I really doubt there will be a civil war any time in the near future.

What makes you think the armed forces won't split in a civil war?

Chain of command.

The military is very good about making sure that the people that participate in it adhere to the rules they are given.

People that step out of line will be dealt with abruptly and brutally. I'm not saying there won't be dissension in the ranks, but I am saying that the number of military people that will split with their command structure is going to be minuscule and easily dealt with.

I disagree. That's all well and good when it's a common enemy, but when you're ordered to attack your family and friends who live in NY, that's a different ball game.

The military allows you to disobey orders that you find unconscionable.

That's part of our whole don't commit war crimes thing

But you do realize they're going to shoot you. If they're actually ordering illegal things they're going to shoot people who don't obey the orders too. That's a hard decision for a teenager to make.

You just need a couple of generals to say "no my orders are legitimate, theirs aren't, mine come for the real president!" and you have a problem. And all that takes it a little bit of blackmail and bribery or a couple of high ranking useful idiots or psychopathic grifters

Theoretically yes. But if you want to know the climate of senior officers you need look no further than the Joint Chiefs actually yelling at Trump in his office and disseminating memos on exactly what the military oath says. (Loyalty to the Constitution)

They aren't likely to turn anytime soon.

I don't know much about such things but I wonder whether it's possible in any meaningful way.

If there's a split they don't just divvy up the toys and have at it.

One side might have a few things on wheels and tracks, but can they call in an air strike? Will they even have GPS?