Baltimore's new approach to police training looks at the effects of trauma, importance of empathy to – 192 points –
Baltimore's new approach to police training looks at the effects of trauma, importance of empathy

A three-minute viral video shows an irate Baltimore police officer berating a teenager because he ignored orders to stop skateboarding and called the officer “dude.”

“Obviously your parents don’t put a foot in your butt quite enough because you don’t understand the meaning of respect,” he shouted at the skateboarder, who remained relatively calm.

That 2007 interaction cost the officer his job. But as policing evolves, others are learning from his mistakes.

The Baltimore Police Department recently started requiring its members to complete a program on emotional regulation that uses video as a learning tool and teaches them the basics of brain science by examining the relationship between thoughts, feelings and actions. It’s a far cry from traditional police training.


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I have to say I agree with the officer, who is absolutely right that his parents don't put their foot in his butt enough, because that's how people raise their kids today - spare the rod and spoil the child. I know that's not the POPULAR point of view, but it's the truth.

It's hard to feel empathy with people who act like jerks and think you should be defunded for doing your job, which happens to protect their lily-white asses 24 hours a day with little to no thanks or recognition for it.

And yes -that boot leather tastes great, better than ignorance and willful stupidity ever could.

Wasn't gonna reply but you just seem like such a a charming person.

Why was the cop owed respect?

Who was the cop protecting when he demanded a citizen do something he had no right to demand?

Why is it ok for a grown ass man to shout down a child for not respecting them?

Has this cops behavior shown he is due respect?

When a cop lets his emotions out of control cause a kid doesn't kiss his ass hard enough, while the kid yes trying to bully remains calm, who IS due respect?

Fuck him specifically, fuck the police in general and fuck you.

There is absolutely zero science that backs up your silly argument.

And also zero evidence that police protect people.

Legally police are not required to protect people. They are legally allowed to lie to people though.

The role of police is to protect rich people’s private property and serve the interest of the ruling class.

Yeah, this is the first generation of kids to ever disrespect authority. Things were so much better when it was socially acceptable to physically abuse children.

Not arguing, but the kid didn't disrespect the cop, he just didn't comply, which the cop assumed was the same thing cause he's a fucking child

He also addressed the cop as he would anyone else, which the cop took as an insult

"why can't parents beat their children more, what a horrible tragedy"

Ok bud.

Girl, shut the fuck up. That type of parenting is for narcissists and religious zealots.

You should know up front that I don't find being compared to a female to be an insult. I know it's how you lower class males put each other down, but I don't think of women as trash or dirt, so being compared to a "girl" is no insult at all to me in any way, shape, or form.

If I am a narcissist it's only because my horse has a right to be higher than the horse of someone who is ignorant and foolish. Think before you type next time.

Treating a person as an equal is not disrespectful.

No thanks or recognition except all those assholes and their 'thin blue line' flags everywhere. And the presidential candidate who suggests cops should act like vigilantes.

Every fucking cross-street in this town has an 'honorary name' after a dead cop. Not a cop who died in the line of duty, just a cop that died. That's a whole lot of fucking recognition for just existing.

I don't think I've ever encountered a proud bootlicker before. Kind of icky.

Well it's because you hang out with low lifes and criminal idiots. VERY ICKY. You just need to get a better education and stop willfully wallowing in ignorance.

Oh yes, because cops are never low lifes or criminals themselves. All cops are great people and no bad apples are ever involved.

I think the cops are the ones who should be educated, considering that most US police departments don't hire people if their IQ is too high. They don't want cops with critical thinking skills, they want cops who will kick a baby if it is ordered.

Not exactly, where I live people just have something called self-respect. Also VERY ICKY in your eyes, I assume.

You must have a pretty lousy education yourself if you believe better education leads to more bootlicking.

Shut the flip up! I'm a cop and you're disrespecting me! I should beat you to a pulp and you can't do anything about it because treating a cop as anything but Authority is DISRESPECTFUL!