Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s ‘Illegal, Immoral, Brutal, and Grossly Disproportionate War’ in Gaza to politics – 1284 points –
Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s ‘Illegal, Immoral, Brutal, and Grossly Disproportionate War’ in Gaza

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ok but, trump actually directly said he plans on being a dictator... it's really the most important election in much of american history...

Just because Biden is the lesser evil (and he most certainly is. By far) doesn't mean that he should be allowed to be an evil.

He's supposed to represent the interests of every American who isn't a fascist, not a foreign government that IS fascist.

Agreed. What does that change? I’m still voting for Biden.

There aren’t any perfect choices in life, all choices of consequence have downsides. Sometimes it’s choosing harm reduction. The man has a solid record of progress with climate legislation, pardoning marijuana possession charges, limiting insulin prices and more.

Could he do better? Hell yeah. But I’m an adult in a democracy and I understand that a vote is a tool, not a moral stance. I can apply that tool in the most effective way by voting for a lesser evil.

I also have other tools at my disposal, like money. So I give my money to groups like FairVote that supports Ranked Choice Voting so that, long after the 2024 election, we can vote for candidates instead of against them.

But I’m not boycotting the system we have unless someone can convince me that Trump will see a lack of voter turnout as a lack of mandate to implement his anti-Democratic, thuggish, racist, sexist plans.

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Sometimes choices aren't fair and even the objectively best decision can have poor outcomes. Biden over Trump, there is no question. If we fight now and Trump or one of his lackeys gets into the chair it isn't likely to end well. Nevermind wars elsewhere, we are hovering dangerously close to something dangerous here in the US. The best course of action is coming together to make sure every Republican possible is not elected, Biden or another non-GOP candidate is made POTUS, and from there carry the momentum into placing real pressure on the government while continuing to systematically knocking out local elections.

We tend to do this as a whole: Get distracted, time passes and we mostly forget about some crisis or another we were supposed to be all-in on, something vital slips past us, we realize it too late. Rinse repeat. What they count on is us arguing over the rights/wrongs as we always do, and for the loudest amongst us to drown out those trying to pull everyone else back in by doing things like, "THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT [insert major topic here]" and working to socially isolate.

Conflicts like in Ukraine and Gaza are horrendous. Yet we here in the US are at that point where either we step up and work to fix things here, or we risk a future where other countries report on atrocities committed inside our borders, by our government. Maybe a distant future and yet I can't help but see that dim path ahead.

Sometimes choices aren’t fair and even the objectively best decision can have poor outcomes.

So basically every election ever.

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And if future candidates make the same threat, will your analysis change?

Well we have no reason to think they wouldn't and this is a weird question so... What are you attempting to get at?

if they did and somehow were polling ok, i would also be rather afraid.

That doesn't make it feel any better voting for genocide joe

It's absolutely braindead to attribute this to Biden and it's not reasonable to think anyone would actually believe that.

It's not and it is. Biden has been going all out for Israeli support, even going so far as to bypass congress. Meanwhile Ukraine are still begging for US aid so they don't get conquered by Russia.

Relations between the US and Israel are... Not new, to put it mildly.

I know that, but Biden is going above and beyond what's "customary", so to speak. There are past examples of US presidents taking action to stop Israeli atrocities, including Reagan (yes, Reagan). And no, Biden's "please would you do your genocide a little more quietly" doesn't count as action when he's still overriding congress to fund them.

bypass congress

Power of the purse.

There's a difference between authorizing sales of weapons and authorizing gifts of weapons.

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