It Never Ends With the Freedom Caucus: Mike Johnson Ouster Countdown Begins to politics – 295 points –
It Never Ends With the Freedom Caucus: Mike Johnson Ouster Countdown Begins

Less than three months into Mike Johnson’s tenure as speaker of the House, some House Republicans are already experiencing buyer’s remorse.

Texas Representative and Freedom Caucus member Chip Roy on Monday publicly raised the possibility of dumping Johnson as speaker.


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This is nothing to cheer for. He worked out some semblance of a deal with Biden, whereas they want someone who will refuse any cooperation whatsoever and burn the government to the ground in hopes of getting a Republican president elected.

Hopefully instead they vacate themselves this election so the rest of the county doesn't need to be part of their internal clown show.

I will cheer for the expulsion of a Christian nationalist of this caliber. There is so much wrong with this guy.

You did see what happened after the kicked Kevin out though right? We all thought Kevin was a horrible pro-maga sleezeball, and yet they found someone worse.

I really don't want to underestimate their ability to do it again.

Nah, it's better to have them wasting their time on kicking out their own speaker. That takes time away that they could be using to get organized. Either outcome (he stays or goes) means that Republican voters and representatives are creating enemies in their own party. That's good for Democrats.

Unless the government shuts down because they can't pass a budget and voters blame Biden.

Historically, voters have always blamed the ones making extra demands for shutdowns.

Exactly. Republicans will always blame Democrats but voters in the middle (uninformed) will just blame the side going nuts over it.

Look at what Hunter Biden did today. House Republicans were trying to hold him in contempt for not testifying (in private). He showed up at the hearing and offered to testify publicly. Republicans looked like fools. They went nuts.

Those people aren’t paying attention to what’s going on anyway. It’s at a point where people are either informed/informing themselves or their heads are stuck in the sand believing whatever their chosen side/representatives feed them.

That's a fair take, but also maybe we would be lucky enough to have more of them resign/retire due to their frustrations, if there was a silver lining pathway out of it.

I mean, at a certain point legacy conservatives are going to have to realize they need to throw in with the Democrats and🖕MAGA even if it costs them a primary if they care at all about the survival of the United States.

Or resign and give the majority to the Democrats...

Just like McCarthy's ouster was nothing to cheer for. Sure, he was a horrible person in many ways but less horrible than his replacement. Even though I understood why the Democrats were tempted to go along with it due to the sheer stupidity of the Republicans, at least McCarthy understood there needed to be compromise to get anything done. Dems shouldn't have participated in his ouster, and shouldn't probably in Johnson's case either. His replacement will likely be worse.

Be careful what you wish for.

McCarthy was no friend to Democrats . He made deals and reniged on the terms. He also openly bashed Democrats after getting cooperation on major votes.

Fuck that guy, Republicans won’t change unless you let them put their own people in place and watch them fail.

Do you think Johnson was an improvement? Do you think his replacement will be?

No, but Democrats have no business looking out for Republican interests. They should go for the jugular every time.

But we the public may pay the price. A prolonged government shutdown won't resolve itself positively. Having an angry, unreasonable Rep in charge could be a disaster for the country, and there's no telling who'll cave in first in such a horrible game of chicken. I'd bet the Dems and if so, it won't be good for the country.

"Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take"

Let them keep showing their ass to the public, make it clear to the "centrists" who they are.