Fuck the balloon police

Stamets@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 852 points –

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For the record, yes you need a pilot’s license to fly a hot air balloon.

And yes the “balloon police” (aka the FAA in the United States) or their equivalent governing body in other countries will stop you, and fine you.

FAA if you're lucky. If youre unlucky, the baloon police are an F-16 with a sidewinder

Robert Fulton has entered the chat.

I don't know if they can actually stop you. Especially the first time. But they can definitely find you and fine you. A lot. Like more than tree fiddy.

Yes. They wont kill you and take down your balloon. But you have to come back to land at some point. Then bam! You're arrested...

They can definitely encourage you to land.

You DON'T need a license for some types of flight though. Anything under 254 pounds. Ultralights and paragliders. (However that doesn't mean there's no rules)

How do they stop you mid flight though

With helicopter mounted machine guns.