How do you deal with the thought of having to work for 40+ years and then when/if you retire, you're too old to do much? to Ask – 313 points –

There has to be a better system than this.


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How are you going to pull your own plug if the country you are in suddenly makes a law to prevent you from doing that?

Laws against suicide are notoriously difficult to enforce, for obvious reasons.

It already is illegal, and euthanasia while "tolerated" is also illegal to perform by a medical professional.

What are they going to do, arrest a corpse? Fine by me.

I'm not suicidal, but I have considered how nice it would be to diary in a date where I think "yep, i've had a titsful of life now, time to fuck off to sto'vo'kor" or whatever.

The only thing that stops me taking it seriously is the prospect that it may be subjecting others to criminal investigation or court process.

A lot of places have those laws already. They aren't stopping anyone. What, someone suicidal is supposed to go "oh, guess that's not allowed" and regain their will to live?

What are they gonna do about it? Kill me?

Lock you up with suicide watch. So essentially sleep deprivation by keeping the lights on and checking up on you every 15 minutes.

Are they gonna lock everybody up? How are they gonna know ahead of time?