Comcast reluctantly agrees to stop its misleading “10G Network” claims to – 535 points –
Comcast reluctantly agrees to stop its misleading “10G Network” claims

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Who the fuck cares about 10Gbit/s? With data caps, there is nothing I am downloading on a mobile device that is perceptibly faster than downloading it at 1/1000 of that speed

Imagine having data caps in 2024

And this a problem only in the monopolistic culture of the US. I can't name a single EU State with broadband data cap.

Uhh... Germany would like to have a word

Most carriers do offer some uncapped plan, I think, but it's expensive and not the default

I am talking about landline providers.

Ah. Well the first comment in this chain talked about mobile devices, so I was assuming we were talking about mobile data plans

I have 8/8 gbps with no caps... quantum fiber (lumen, CenturyLink). The speed is amazing.

What's "quantum" about it?

Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, but you only know when you check and go to use it.

This isn’t about 10gbps which is the point. It’s also not really about mobile. The packages they are offering are mostly cable connections (with a side of mobile).

Holy shit I thought data caps died in the mid 2000s. Why is the US allowing ISPs get away with this nonsense?

Because we apparently love A-B testing our government.

The point is for dense areas, so theres enough bandwidth to share

No one needs 100Mbps on their mobile data 99% of the time.