Baldur's Gate 3 Passes Half a Million Reviews on Steam and 96% Are Positive

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 426 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 Passes Half a Million Reviews on Steam and 96% Are Positive

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Don't tell the forums that, they're convinced it's an unplayable woke government ops pathetic remake zoophilia kissing simulator insult to d&d. It's got so many bugs you can't play it on anything short of a super computer, and is targeting children with it's addicting gameplay and low system requirements.

Every day there's a new 3 page screed expanding each of the above adjectives into paragraphs of garbage. Yet somehow most of the authors don't own the game, and it's has a overwhelmingly positive rating...

Act 3 is pretty janky at times and they seriously need to give you vertical camera controls (xcom figured this out like 15 years ago!) but it’s still a fantastic game. Lots of valid critiques, but still a great game

Like the tactical view/o? Or just move up and down? Because that's annoying sometimes.

If you’re in a multi-story fight (very frequent in act 3 in particular) there is no way to force the camera and cursor up/down a story. You have to physically travel with the cursor and pray it doesn’t freak out OR click on pictures in the turn order and hope the pathing can figure it out on its own (which it often can’t).

Don’t tell the forums that, they’re convinced it’s an unplayable woke government ops

This is far too many Steam forums lately, and I don't know why or what hurt these people. If you ask the Steam forums, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League failed because it went woke and hired some diversity consultancy firm that only these people know the name of and hold up as the antichrist.

You mean to say that you didn't already know what Sweet Baby Inc. really weird name by the way is before some chuds declared them to be the biggest bad influence to human culture?

Right. I'm afraid to start googling for the answer, but I suspect there's an Alex Jones type, or the equivalent that cares about video games, basically painting them as the George Soros of video games.

You don't leave a detailed review unless you want to support the artist in question or you fucking hated it so much that you would take the time to warn others away or you want to be intentionally confrontational and act like a troll. In a huge game like bg3 or Suicide Squad the artist support is fractured at best so all your left with is the bile

These aren't the reviews, they're the forums. Used to be you could ask a question and get an answer from a fan or often times the developers. Now it's just people crying about games being "woke", as though that word actually means anything anymore, even in a game as near-universally beloved as BG3. But you can find the same thing happening in Starfield, Suicide Squad, or even Skullgirls.

Forums have always had losers and trolls dwelling there, the issue is the helpful people went elsewhere like discord, reddit, and the fediverse.

The reviews are 96% positive, the forums are filled with toxicity past comparison.

I mean, my partner and I actually did stop our play through because it was too buggy and it was effecting our enjoyment. Been meaning to get back to it after all the patches, but like... It was pretty buggy around launch by my standards.

It did have a "literally unplayable" save deletion bug on Xbox until recently. I just waited for them to fix it before spending my money.

I played 100+ hours on Xbox before that was patched and never had a problem so "literally unplayable" is really a bit much.

A bunch of less lucky people did exactly that and then lost 100+ hours of progress.

It's an essential feature of the game. Literally. Unplayable.

I lost 20 hours on Witcher 3 after a save corruption. Can I say Witcher 3 is literally unplayable?

I haven't researched that game so I don't know its frequency or severity.

Well bg3 allows and encourages several saves, so if you have put 100 hours into it and then lose your only save slot - which doesn’t make sense to me because it also auto saves independent of your manual saves - then ultimately, I blame user error. Especially since the bug was so limited.

That doesn't make sense to me either, how so many people were heartbroken when all they had to do was simply load an auto save. I can't confirm because I just didn't give them money until it worked properly.

I love BG3 as a video game, but I feel like Hasbro is going to take a lot of the ideas and try their best to translate them into the trrpg space and shittify both on the way through.

And it's always people that have private profiles.
If you're profile is private on steam you're automatically disregarded.

Video game forums are always garbage.

But partially in their defense, it makes my 4070 work and the only other time it gets that warm is when I'm running stable diffusion on it constantly.

Lemmy is the opposite. Don't dare criticize or say you dislike BG3 or else they will come for you.

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