Dad has the chops to be a project manager. to Programmer – 1196 points –

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I got something similar in a requirement specification once:

"Resolution supported: Max" "OS support: The latest one"


I literally got the description "make it look cool" in my current project.

We all know the context and can roughly guess what it means, but still...

make it look cool

Got it. Animated background, GIFs, HTML 4.01 frames, marquee, privacy-friendly ads which are just GIFs linking to other websites. Did I go too far with the last one?

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Stuff like this is part of why I dropped out of multimedia production in college, I only enjoy that stuff as a hobby for myself, doing it for other people is a creative nightmare lol

Finally, all that time making the coolest myspace profile pays off!

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"OS support: The latest one” is not that bad of an requirement...

If they complain like "why doesn't this work on Windows Vista, on IE8" - you can just point to the specs and say you only support the latest OS.

So basically you only support the latest Nightly Build of Ubuntu, since that's the current latest OS

You don't even need to support anything older than the last windows hot fix with requirements like that.

This is completely reasonable, but requires significant CI infrastructure

Honestly, I think that line of thought has a really cute reflection of the person's experience with technology.

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