Trump Fumes as Judge Orders Him to Sit Like a Dog to politics – 270 points –
Trump Fumes as Judge Orders Him to Sit Like a Dog

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Man, I found this weirdly satisfying: "But just as the judge neared the end of his sentence, Trump abruptly stood up—apparently thinking the day was over. Immediately, Merchan turned his face to the former president and said in a firm voice: 'Sir, can you please have a seat.' His long, black robes dangled from beneath his right hand as he waved it down, like a man addressing his dog. It wasn’t a question. Without hesitation, Trump went and plopped straight back down into his maroon leather chair at the defense table—and remained for another minute, fuming as the judge gathered his paperwork and strolled toward his chambers."

I have never once called my dog “sir”. This is a sensationalized headline to the maximum.

Trump stood up to early and a judge, politely, asked him to sit back down. Trump did so without bitching.

This actually made the news.


To be fair Trump doing literally fucking anything that someone other than Vladimir Putin asked him to do, without bitching about it, is incredibly newsworthy. In fact I’m not sure it’s ever happened before.

So....thats why we are seeing this as a news story? The title is just a red hearing to lead us to how trump didn't complain during a mundane court activity?

Man must be sweet for Trump's pr team who can just take the day off and go suck each other off instead. Another media cycle secured

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If he really was clicking his tongue as he walked out of the court, that’s what my MIL started doing as her Alzheimer’s dementia started getting bad.

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Your dog deserves the title more than Donald does.

I call my cat "madam" kind of a lot. But she's very fancy.

I call my cat sir all the time. I also tell him to get a job all the time.

When my dog is acting up I tell him he's adopted. Sometimes it backfires though cause he just looks happy at the fact.

You don't? I call mine Mr. Floofers, Señor Flooferson and, around St. Patty's day he wanted to be Shamus O'Floof. None of those are anywhere close to his actual name.

After only a few years, my dog has been knighted, has an honorary doctorate, is a king, and occasionally a monsignor. He also has a deep lineage on both the Floofington and Sheddingsworth lines.

Yeah from the headline I thought the judge said "sit like a dog" to him.

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