MTG says Johnson needs to "do the right thing" and resign, or be ousted to politics – 103 points –

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She's just trying to keep the government dysfunctional. She needs to go live with her employers in Russia.

Believe it or not, this is American politics. Not everything goes back to red scare propaganda about Russia infiltrating the US.

You're right. Not everything.

But this is.

a convenient cop out is what this is. You think someone as dumb as her could really keep a secret like that? You think she’s smart enough to have Opsec standards? You really believe she’s using burner phones and dead drops to communicate with Moscow? She can’t read above a fifth grade level and she’s outsmarting the three letter agencies and secret service?

This is an amendment she presented:

No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities', including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted."

If she's so dumb, where does it come from?

Transcarpathia? Seriously?

Boy I don't know if you've been paying attention or not, but she ain't exactly keeping it a secret. This ain't a spy novel, you don't even need to hide it. You just take the donations wherever they come.

You literally do. That’s the whole hubbub with AIPAC, is they weren’t required to register as a foreign agent, because it allows them to fund politicians, which is otherwise illegal. Taking foreign money is illegal you can be bribed by Americans all you want, but not foreigners.

Russia tends to use useful idiots. She doesn't need to outsmart anyone. She doesn't even need to know she's working for Russia. But somehow she always ends up doing things that disproportionately benefits Russia.

Dude. This is America. You can be bribed legally. She doesn't hide any of it. Maybe it's hidden from you because you purposefully cover your eyes and make noise anytime anyone tries to make you aware of it. That doesn't mean it's actually a secret.

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Yeah, I can't believe anyone would dare try to like the Republican party to Russia. Next thing you'll see is people claiming that Republican politicians flew to Moscow on July 4th, but that's just a crazy accusation that is too crazy to be believable.

Your innocence is adorable.

No, it's not innocence. Look at the instance they're from. They just have to come to Russia's defence every time.

I’ve yet to see any evidence presented of Russia bribing politicians. It wouldn’t even fit their playbook. Have you read Foundations of Geopolitics?

True, but in this case it certainly does.

You think she understands the ethnic details of people in Ukraine and just happens to have formed an opinion that agrees with Russia?

I don't think she can even pronounce transcarpathia.

Nope, she’s pretty dumb, I doubt she knows what those words even mean. Wonder why they’re not tapping her phone like they do to normal citizens who have committed no crimes. They might find out where she’s getting these ideas.

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