The ad in the middle of this article about conspiracy theories to Mildly – 570 points –

Remember when the web didn't suck?


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Here’s what’s behind that stupid ad

It clearly implies there is some kind of safety benefit to it. But there is not.

Clicking on the ad leads to a lengthy slide show which eventually gets to the doorknob story.

All it says is aluminum foil can be used as an alternative to tape to cover doorknobs and hardware while painting.

It has nothing to do with safety and the inclusion of the phrase "when you're home alone" was only used as clickbait to make the ad seem more important.

Thanks for taking one for the team and checking that out. I sure wasn't gonna

I Always click on those ads to waste their daily budget

Explain to me like I'm five, how does this?

They pay for the number of impressions as well as the number of click-throughs. More clicks on the ad = more cost for running the ad, or fewer impressions. However, it also gives more money to those hosting the ads, so it supports them imbedding them.

You can use this plugin to automate the process if you want to continue down this path.

That's freakin awesome! I absolutely love that idea/solution. Is it kinda hot in here? Why'm I all moist?

Seriously tho, is there any downside? Also, I'm still not sure I understand the point of running the ad in the first place. Why run a shitty ad that costs you money? Is the idea to get people to follow that other conspiracy site more regularly?

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Advertisers pay a fee to the website where their ad is displayed every time someone clicks on it, it's called the Pay Per Click model. It's how websites make money off running ads. There is a small fee for displaying the ad and larger one for click throughs.

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I might have looked it up. Even when I'm 99% sure something is a scam I often want to push a little further to understand more about how the scam operates but I don't think I have enough skill or dedication to scambait properly.

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The quality of the internet is so low these days

"Articles" like this have been around for decades unfortunately

I've been using ad blockers for so long that I forgot about these ridiculous click bait ads.

Of course, the "while painting" was implied. I'm so embarrassed I didn't clue in immediately.

I mean... if you are like, home alone status, in a whole ass house with a bunch of doors... maybe covering the knobs in foil would make it so some kind of intruder makes more noise when opening doors, as they either handle the foil opening the door, or when removing the foil?


It kind of makes some sense?

I was under the impression it was a safety thing. If you grab loose foil like that it will form to the hand crushing it to turn the knob and therefore you know the home has had "visitors" without you saying so.

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