Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout to – 578 points –
Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout

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Can't expect him to think it's wrong when I'm his world it isn't. Even lovable celebrities like Guillermo del Toro signed petitions to pardon Polanski. All the rockstars of the 70s fucked kids. Savile got away with it because everyone who knew let him. The ex and likely next president is a rapist who wants to fuck his own daughter and people are defending him for it.

So extra money leads to kid touching? Seems like it. Pre subway jarred= no kids Subway money jarred= Arrested for fucking kids.

Guess money makes you stop giving a fuck about consequences since there are rarely any

Money also makes them stop giving a fuck about anyone except themselves. Selfishness and greed become their only motivations.

I think it's more that not giving a fuck about hurting someone makes you more likely to become rich, and being rich makes it easier to get away with things.

No, the records of families at the impoverished school I work at suggest money has nothing to do with it. You wouldn't want to hear what some of these kids experience.

It’s a very hard thing to buy and it’s very taboo. Sounds like a rich persons dream.

I'm gonna go with like an alternative viewpoint here and say that, rather than it being kind of like, a inevitability of human behavior once you reach a certain point of like, not giving a shit about consequences, or like, having enough power, you just lose touch with reality and become a pedo like, automatically (which is kind of a weird self-report). I'm gonna say that instead, it's probably because of that kind of mentality. Because it's seen as a sort of inevitable thing, once you reach a high enough status. Because of the mentality of like, women at younger and younger ages being seen as more desirable sexually, because of like this weird collective cultural fetish around female innocence and beauty, and even naivety, to some degree. You ever notice that weird like, "born yesterday" movie trope, where some chick has like, amnesia, or is a robot, or whatever, and so is a kid, but is also supposed to be like, smokin'? Like the fifth element. That movie's still pretty good, but that shit's weird af as a trope, probably evidence of cultural baggage, it's like the western version of the thousand year old loli.

Probably all wrapped up in like some old timey patriarchy shit I need to read up on. Maybe due to the prevalence of child brides in sort of like, societies in which inheritance is a thing? Like, patrilineal societies, maybe, where marriage asap at the capacity of childbirth is seen as a thing which sort of, preserves patrilineal inheritance. Then something to do with like, the western nuclear family's imposition on history, to sort of, retroactively frame history along the lines that it provides, while also unconsciously adopting, nonsensically, some of the same historical, cultural narratives that were propagated around patrilineal inheritance in order to attempt to justify it.

There's some through-line there, probably. Something along those lines.

I think it's pretty inarguable that sexual attraction in some way is affected by the standards of the society in which you're raised on a pretty fundamental level, so, probably it's due to like an extremely depressing and fucked up societal standard, I would think, more than just like. Ahh, they're rich, so, the pedo switch flipped in their head. Like, once they realized they could, they just did, kinda thing, and then it all ends there and nobody asks any questions as to why that switch was there in the first place.

Stop typing the word like...I can't parse this writing

It's like, totally unreadable, like, my mind just, sort of, shuts down, like it really, sort of, hurts, you know?

Like, AAAAAHHHH. Sort of.

I just write in the same way that I talk, and I'm a west coast valley girl, sue me

it's the memetic filter, only gay people are allowed to read what I post

409 words, 16 sentences, 19 uses of the word like. It's the most used word (tied with "of") counting for 4.6% of the text.


Fully agree. Our culture’s insistence on sexualizing innocence and virginity plays a huge role. It’s gross and concerning.

People with a long-going abundance of money lacking brainjuice can rarely imagine the way to spend them, and they want the most exclusive and unavailable thing there is. For some reason it's a trend within their circles that pedophilia is Sex 2.0 exclusive to elites, and nothing in their head rings an alarm, or just a bullshit detector. Besides obvious anger about what they do, why do they choose that of all things? There's so much more gated behind the paywall that they can get, like extreme(ly expensive) sports, property design and management, investing into start ups and following them, top tier education and getting acclaimed in scientifical\professional fields, traveling to a new place every other week or just riding in an MBT for groceries shopping. Is there some street cred coming with that or what? It's just stupid.

I hate everything Guillermo has ever touched, and I'm always shocked when people like it. All style, no substance.

I mean he's a movie director, I think "all style" is kind of a good appeal for those to generally have, especially for popcorn bucket kind of movies, right? Substance is generally something people actually hate in movies, in my experience.