Bernie Sanders: ICC ‘right’ to seek arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli defense official to – 609 points –
Sanders: ICC ‘right’ to seek arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli defense official

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From the article ...

“Without these standards of decency and morality, this planet may rapidly descend into anarchy, never-ending wars, and barbarism.”

AKA, "the center will not hold".

I want to live in the alternate timeline, with President Sanders.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

Sanders is doing right now, exactly the right thing. Its the thing Biden should be doing but is seemingly incapable of. Its being on the right side of history as history is happening and not accepting some fatalistic inevitability about the future.

not accepting some fatalistic inevitability about the future.

He is describing an inevitability; Socialism or Barbarism.

Considering what's happening around us currently, I've started believing that it's actually barbarism until socialism.

Heard on the news today that Biden said that it is not genocide in Gaza. He really wants to lose I guess.

I voted, donated, and knocked on doors for Sanders. He should be our president not the fucking lesser evil Biden.

Oh man. If the TV news said its not a genocide, it must not be! Right?

Bidens a fucking disgrace.

I'm still going to vote for Biden. He is wrong on the Gaza situation, though has made strides elsewhere.

Unfortunately it is also either him or possibly THE Idiot Savant. Would prefer ol' Bernie, even today.

Literally today.

I voted for Biden once I will do again to keep Trump out. But after that I am done. Either progressive take control of the party by 2028 our this country can burn for all I care. Done with this bullshit.

Wake me up when we are ready to riot.

Honestly? I agree. Biden will give us a few years to get our shit together. Though I hope there will be people who are able to pull others together for that exact reason.

He’d be rounding out his second term right now. He was clearly up to the task. I hope he remains in the Senate until he passes. He’s an exceptional person, who should be treated as such, like RBG.

He’s an exceptional person, who should be treated as such, like RBG.

The close friend of Scalia's who opposed worker's rights, indigenous rights, and held up the constitutionality of solitary confinement? The one who prioritized her ego over not giving Trump an extra SCOTUS pick?

I have my criticisms of Bernie, but I would never put him in that category.

I wasn’t aware of those votes. I’ll look into them. Thank you for pointing them out to me.

Her strong stance against gender and sexual orientation discrimination, and support for undocumented people as well as people with disabilities is why I mentioned her as an advocate for the people.

She also stayed on too long even when others were begging her to retire because Hillary Clinton wanted to pick her replacement. And then...

We also wouldn’t be dealing with this trump circus. The DNC really fucked everyone over

And they're doing it again right now but for some reason people lose their shit when you speak about it.

I'd prefer if he leaned more heavily into supporting upcoming socialist politicians throughout his state to help lead the next generation of leftist politicians into power.

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How do you add some text automatically to the comments/posts? Or do you do it manually?

How do you add some text automatically to the comments/posts? Or do you do it manually?

You mean like this?

Put a > Then paste the bit of text you want to quote

No like a forum signature so I can put the AI excluding loicense without doing it manually which would make me kill myself

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

How do you add some text automatically to the comments/posts? Or do you do it manually?

Its done manually, a copy and paste of the following text ...

[~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~](

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

You are a psycho you know it?

Hey I started doing this recently and I am using a text expander to make it easier.

Edit: What it does is add a shortcut that automatically pastes the whole thing if you enter a shortcut phrase.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

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