Start ups when that VC funding kicks in to Programmer – 1119 points –

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I agree with work life balance, but working at meta for 2-3 years for $300k might be worth the sacrifice

If I were a kid right out of college, I'd honestly consider it. The key is truly knowing what you're getting into. Companies gobble up those kids out of college because they're naiive, and they want to prove themselves. MAANG knows that and take advantage of it. As long as you're aware of that going into it, and plan to use them too, then go for it. Just don't plan to be a lifer, know that they don't care about you going in.

Get in with the full idea of being a parasite, doing the barest minimum work possible while getting friendly with higher ups. It's not like doing a good job there would be better for the customers/end users anyway

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$300k might be worth the sacrifice

Right? I realistically just need 150k/yr to be stable in my area, I could chuck the other 150k/yr into savings and quit after 3 years with 450k in the bank

If I rember right google had an AI driving division that had huge cash incentives based on performance metrics that essentially crashed and burned because they hit targets so fast that main time retired for life in like a year or two

That sounds interesting, seeing as I am 'somewhat' familiar with google's self driving car program right now, and very little about it is crashing or burning.

Self-driving probably was not the one successful AI program

The hell? I live two years for 100k CHF. Lucerne, Switzerland, flat in the historic, more expensive part.

My soul is worth more than that, and I don't even have one.

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