To all you outside of the US... to Lemmy – 1603 points –

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Will this ever not be appropriate?

yeah but that kiddie pool is being rented out for 1500/mo

Yeah and you're getting renovicted so they can split all the bedrooms up and double the occupancy (and rent)

I dont know, I dont think Canada has much room to throw bricks in glass houses at the moment.

We wish... the good/bad neighbour analogy is very apt here; whatever happens in the USA spills over here all the time.

We are about to enter our own Trump shit show when PP is elected next year.

The worst part about the politics here in Canada is that the Liberals always spend years setting up the layup that the Conservatives use to dunk on Canadians. This round is going to feature a whole host of anti-competitive business, bad trade deals, media favouritism, privatization, waves of attacks on worker's rights... all this and more thanks to the moves set up by the Liberals doing things like refusing to stop the Rogers/Shaw purchase, the failure to make deals with other countries, setting up media and "CanCon" subsidies that favour big media companies, and the intentional attacks on the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.

We are so fucked.

Are the mooses swimming in the pool a good thing or a bad thing? Or maybe just a weird thing?

I don't know how to pluralize moose

Serious answer: the plural of "moose" is "moose," not "mooses."

The plural of moose is meese.

::: spoiler spoiler /s for non-native English speakers :::

A majestic flock of meese sounds better that just moose. How many moose? 1, 5, 20? You just don't know. I'm currently in contact with my MP to resolve this issue, this is very important to me.

A møøse once bit my sister. No realli!

She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink".

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