Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 959 points –
Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

"And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be," he said.


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I know it's meant to be a threat, but he really makes it sound like he's at our mercy. It will only be bloodless if WE allow it.

The important part is to go after him and other people in leadership. They was us to fight the local maga crowd, not them. Fighting the local maga crowd gets us nowhere.

My local maga crowd is harassing a local teacher for having rainbows in the classroom. I'll keep fighting both.

I'm going to put an lgbtq+ flag in my classroom next year. I don't expect anything to come of it, but you never know.

Those people scattered hard when one of their's died on January 6th. None of them really know how bad it gets in countries that actually go through revolutions. Not that we shouldn't be prepared to protect ourselves, but they have no wherewithal to follow though to the end.

Revolutions are easy. You attend some rallies, you put some flags on your truck and you repost some memes on Facebook. If things get really dire, you change your profile picture for like a day or so.

Very few do, no matter the "side", and those with the skills & training to do so all too often eat their own guns after the dust settles. In war, the only victors are the ones pushing pawns. Every single other creature is a victim to it, in one way or another.

This is very wise. People let their blood get too hot to see they're in the boiling pot.

People never see they're in the boiling pot. Or the crab bucket. Or the slaughter line. Or the prison-filling shame machine. Or the no-one-else-is-as-special-as-you ritual paint before the holiday sacrifice. Etc.

I still hold that the "Heroes Work Here" signs all over the Bible belt would be atop guillotines instead if there were any sense salvaging this "nation". 🙇🏽‍♂️

It's because they're the go along to get along cowards who end up ignoring the flesh scented ash falling from the concentration camp constructed 15 miles outside of their hometown because admitting they were wrong would mean they accept responsibility for their complicity.

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It reads as "give up everything and nobody needs to get hurt". It's basically a taunt on their holding freedom under duress.

Typical toxic abusive gaslighting BS, while enabling the violent crazies on his side to boot.

It is bonkers to me how these people would be tough to accept as the villain in a children’s movie, yet here they are in the real world with millions of grown-ass people supporting them.

The Crimson blood of my enemies has always been my favorite color.

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