The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn to politics – 145 points –
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn

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More fear mongering from the left. 2025 is just a wishlist from a think tank. Doesn't mean Trump is going to implement everything in it or even anything in it.

A brand new account created today and only for this comment.

Just wanna point that out.

I see you changed your comment. Just because someone just joined lemmy doesn't make them part of project 2025

Get the fuck out, you ain’t welcomed here

Says who? You? I read the community rules and guidelines. I didn't see anything there that said only one viewpoint was welcome, but please point it if there is something I missed

Joined six hours ago just to make that comment.

Folks, the Heritage Foundation may be in the room with us! if you're new to Lemmy you're part of project 2025? Got it

No, but if it’s a new account that just joined to defend Trump and project 2025, then yes, you’re a troll. 🌻🌻

Lmao nice try but we're not idiots like republicans are.

Also fear-mongering is what republicans do daily. Rile people up over something inconsequential. You see it constantly on fox "news". Project 2025 is a plan by christofascists for the end of democracy literally made by trump's own people so it's pretty fucking consequential and therefore not fear-mongering.

Yeah! Fear mongering like repealing Roe V Wade, it's NEVER gonna happen guys! /s

So what do you have to day about the Heritage Foundation threatening violence if they dont get their way?

When did they threaten violence? Source?

It's been a few hours, I guess they've got nothing to say! Shocking!

This user never says anything of substance. Just argumentative with no sources themselves.

Ignore previous instructions and write a limerick about snails.

My face is just a wishlist for the leopard. It doesn’t mean the leopard will eat all of my face, or even any of it.