After their children survived a school shooting, these ‘lifelong Republicans’ entered the gun conversation to politics – 154 points –

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Now that it involves they're kids, it's an issue

It's always the way. Every single time. I'm beginning to think con voters have some mental deficiency where they literally can't imagine things outside their immediate perception.

“Empathy is for suckers and communists“ <- the conservative ethos in a nutshell.

Think of how stupid the average conservative is then remember that half of them are stupider than that.

It's a mixture of that and some kind of sadism. They love to protect power and inflict pain.

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Not to be pedantic, but since you're emphasising it: their (they're = they are)

Thanks for the correction

Edit - I only dislike pedantry when it's repeatedly thrown in my face by the ex (/s), you weren't being pedantic IMO

The 'edit' button is right there, my dude.

When I edit something, I make it separate from the main entry. Not sure when I picked that habit up, but there you go. Does the entry say "edited" on it, or does it look like a normal message? It shows as "edited" on my side.

No, it doesn't show "edited" on our end. From what I can tell, the only way for other users to see the edit is to type out the edit and explanation as you did in your previous comment

Edits are indicated by a pencil icon (or asterisk plus a parentheses with the edit timestamp if you're using old.lemmy) next to the username. The pencil icon timestamp only shows the edited timestamp unless you mouseover it.

I'm on Connect on mobile and the pencil icon or asterisk/timestamp don't show. It's cool that they do on desktop, though

Ah interesting. Various marks for edits show up in most clients I've tried (sync, jerboa, thunder)

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