It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? to politics – 329 points –
There’s only one relevant question

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Most people engaged in politics have likely made up their mind, and anyone sufficiently disengaged will vote for the incumbent and be done with it. Biden is the incumbent, and they're not going to put forth a progressive.


The race is not people deciding between Biden and Trump, but people on both sides who have made up their minds deciding whether or not to vote

Coincidentally, there is an enormous effort to paint voting as not worthwhile, and Biden as not good enough to be worthwhile bothering to vote for, aimed at left wing voters

Actual left-winger here. We've been saying the USA deserves better than Biden since before the 2020 election. Don't lump us in with the centrists, liberals, and moderates who've only just pulled their heads out of the sand long enough to notice that the incumbent is expected to lose.

There's no point in starting to panic now, all this has been inevitable since the DNC won the right to rig their own primary after the disaster that was the "Her Turn" campaign in 2016. Either y'all start calling your reps and demanding a better option on the ballot, or start making preparations for the fascism and civil unrest in our future.

Highly infuriated with the Dems over Biden in 2020 BUT he has turned out remarkably better than I ever thought. He now has a decent track record that makes him a good choice for another 4 years. On the other hand, we could go all dictator/fascist and lose all democracy. It comes down to Joe Biden who is now the one hope to save democracy.
Take the bus that gets you closest to your destination folks. In the meantime, get progressives into offices at local and state levels so they can move up to congressional levels.

Its good to know progressives will hold our country hostage rather than take baby steps to a progressive country.

  1. I'm not a "Progressive". American Progressives are called "Moderates" in most other countries, and their Progressives would probably call me a Communist or an Anarchist without bothering to distinguish between the two.

  2. The people holding this country hostage are the ones who ran the only primary challenger out of the party rather than admit that the incumbent is expected to lose re-election.

  3. America has to excise the fascist rot at its core before it can become a "Progressive" country. Voting alone cannot accomplish this, it would require a massive perspective shift across the general public on the scale of China's cultural revolution. After Covid failed to induce anything but a shift to more work-from-home, I don't see that happening.

  4. The first baby step I'm focused on accomplishing is trying to convince liberals that if democracy is really at stake, then they can't run the risk of trying to play it safe like they did in 2016.

My man he is not a progressive

Zero progressives I know IRL have any kind of idea like that Biden is mediocre implies it’s okay if Trump comes to power and takes a flamethrower to all progressive causes with impacts that will last as long as you or I are alive. It’s purely a thing I see online from self described leftists.

I wonder if I look back in their history, I will see lots of advocacy for marijuana reform or criminal justice or better foreign policy in Central / South America… or anything other than left wing causes that can be tied directly in immediate and lazy fashion back to Biden (economy, immigration, Gaza)

My man he is not a progressive

Correct. Your idea of a "progressive" is my idea of a "moderate centrist".

Zero progressives I know IRL have any kind of idea like that Biden is mediocre implies it’s okay if Trump comes to power

I don't think it's "okay", I think it's inevitable. The DNC would rather lose to the Republicans than lose their campaign financiers (who also sponsor Republicans).

I wonder if I look back in their history, I will see lots of advocacy for marijuana reform or criminal justice or better foreign policy in Central / South America… or anything other than left wing causes that can be tied directly in immediate and lazy fashion back to Biden (economy, immigration, Gaza)

Not sure what kind of point youre trying to make here, all of the above are important issues and I've talked about them extensively on this and prior social media accounts. I'd have to dig into my dead Twitter account for receipts but I predicted the lack of enthusiasm for the "safe" incumbent Democrat causing Trump to win this year's election all the way back in 2015 when the DNC decided that knocking Bernie off the ballot was more important than holding a democratic primary that was actually democratic. That the Dems would have to switch if they wanted to win has been as obvious as the fact that the incumbent won't stand down unless forced to, an extremely unlikely proposition.

I predicted the lack of enthusiasm for the “safe” incumbent Democrat causing Trump to win this year’s election

You are in good company. Professor Allan Lichtman has a fascinating scientific approach for presidential elections. (it's long but the first ten minutes will give you the idea).
Democrats look at the tiniest flaws rather than Biden's popular policies.

Yep, only wonks care about policy. To the average American, the election amounts to little more than a popularity contest.

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Yes. Enormous efforts. “Genocide Joe” (the name) is part of that effort.

There is one in this comments section

Just one? Are they a faux-commie?

There are a lot more now; it started out as one

I was more worried about it until I realized Lemmy is the only place I'd heard anyone say Genocide Joe.

Most people are just now waking up and paying attention while Biden's numbers are beginning to climb, in spite of his own party trying to sabotage him.

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Anyone sufficiently disengaged with Biden might just NOT vote. And then Trump wins. Heres a better framing of the question. Could anyone generate more voter disengagement than Biden?

This is my worry too. They're not going to switch to trump, they'll either skip it or vote 3rd party.

Vote blue no matter who died quickly I guess.

Those people are still voting blue. The issue is getting everyone else on board. "Vote blue no matter who" can't carry the election entirely on its own and never could. 2020 was won on razor margins.

We need to get rid of the electoral college.

Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. That it was "razor thin" is because of the electoral college.

Hillary lost to Trump despite winning the popular vote by 3 million because of the electoral college.

Gore lost because of Florida's electoral college (and all the fuckery there) despite winning the popular vote by 0.5million.

Small correction: after numerous recounts, it was proven decidedly that Gore had won in FL. However, the corrupt Supreme Court decided that since the media (Fox News) had already called the election for Dubya, that it would pose too much risk to our democratic process to overturn the results to the correct outcome.

This is most amusing given the context of Jan 6 and the corrupt court’s opinions on that matter, but here we are.

I strongly agree with you but that's not going to change the fact that we still have to contend with the EC this election cycle.

Edit: also gore didn't lose by either metric he just didn't stick it out for the recount

It would be enough to make an amendment so that the shape of electoral districts must be convex. This would make gerrymandering impossible.

they’re not going to put forth a progressive.

The corporate media would shred a real progressive but Biden is a lot more progressive leaning than I ever thought he would be.

Yeah, that's part of why I'm so suspicious of this massive "Biden needs to be replaced" push. We're not getting better policy out of it, and I seriously doubt it'll hurt Trump's odds at re-election, so why is everyone so keen on it at this stage? The time to replace him was months ago.

A travesty then, considering polling consistently shows progressives would wallop Trump, and the Dems claim that democracy is on the line this election. We could do so much better, but absolutely will not at the peril of capital.

We have narrow margins these days. Elections are decided by the undecided.

Who are these undecided voters? I haven't met one single undecided voter in the past 8 or more years. Maybe that's geography, but, jeez....

I feel that turnout is a far bigger factor.

some of them are people like me who was forced to accept inescapable student loan debt (created by biden in 2005) due to don't ask don't tell blocking gays from getting the gi bill (supported by biden in 1993); couldn't sponsor their life partner to allow them to stay in this country because biden et al. voted for doma in 1996; denied jobs because because biden advocated for the same thing executive order 10450 did until 2012; will lose a new job because of biden's support for banning tiktok in january of 2025; and can't get a new gig job because biden is blocking truly affordable EV's from this country for the foreseeable future.

it's got nothing to do with project 2025 nor trump being a giant douchebag; it's about trying to convince myself to vote for someone with a conservative history that has and will fuck up my life and then pretending that he's the most progressive president ever just to get votes while simultaneously enabling genocide's, apartheid's and segregationists as biden has done several times over in the last 51 years.

i need a reason to vote for him because; no matter how shitty trump or how badly he wants to steamroll over minorities (which biden has already done), he's never fucked with my life to anywhere near the extent that biden has and i survived most of those 51 years at a time when both parties, plus moderates, plus family wanted to lock people like me up and throw away the key, so project 2025 doesn't scare me and trump doesn't have enough time to screw with my life to the same extent that biden did to people like me in one more term.

If you're gay as you imply and you are thinking of voting trump you are basically bringing it down on yourself. Please switch on your brain

It's pretty likely that a lot of those disengaged will not vote for Biden because they know he's too old

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