Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis. to – 292 points –
Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis | Common Dreams

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In it's 'war against Hamas' Israel has now bombed 3 countries that has no Hamas

The problem with the Israeli attacks i gaza is not the attacks themselves. Israel should have the right to defend themselves on all sides.

The problem is, that in Palestine they are using this as an excuse to kill as many civilians as they can get away with. This is genocide. They are more or less regulating the population of Palestine, and arguing that they in reality are fighting Hamas. The civilians are unfortunate accidents (that more or less keep on happening day in and day out)

Because cowering behind civilians in the hopes their deaths garner sympathy is totally not in the terrorist handbook

I for one don’t think you can ever justify killing civilians, let along tens of thousands of them.

Then again, I’m not a monster so 🤷

and yet you (directly or indirectly) literally support known terrorists.

I do not support Israel.

But if you’re referring to Hamas, I don’t support them either; as I clearly said I don’t support the killing of innocent people. Even if that is in response to the murder of innocent people.

Hamas suck, As does the Israeli government and anybody that supports their actions over the last 9/10 months and even longer than that to be honest.

Hamas suck

See, you're doing it again. No, Hamas doesn't just 'suck'. It's this false equivalence BS that has my ire. Hamas... are. literal. terrorists. and that is not in dispute by anyone worth listening to. Hamas as a strategy kill, rape, torture, and take hostage anyone they can get their evil fucking hands on. Israel wants to just exist but have been putting up with the afforementioned terrorism for 80 years. So they got a little Nietzschian. Israel is sick of it. I would be too if I was in their shoes.

That's the difference. They have a right to exist and I support that unequivocally. Are they perfect? Of course not. Would they be as hostile to Palestinians as they are had Terrorism Incorporated not made every minute of the last 80 years constant jeopardy? Um probably not. Is this a genocide? Not yet, but it could be if team Hamas doesn't smarten up and say 'hey now maybe peaceful solutions are a good idea'. Until then, Fuck Hamas and their putting civilians lives in jeopardy with their stubbornness.

If and when they surrender and release the hostages Israel continues this assault then yeah. They the baddies. Right now they are just getting their hands dirtier than you, sitting comfortably in your a/c sipping a latte somewhere else, would prefer protecting themselves.

So you don’t see how Israelis settlers make life unlivable for Palestinians? Or that Israel has taken more and more territory over the last 8 decades?

You seem to only want to shit on the terrorists Hamas and find issue with my choice of words, and not address any critique of Israel at all. That get my ire, the fact that people will focus on Hamas.

Doesn't justify terrorism or warcrimes.

Edit: I will sit down and commiserate with you on the shit show from both sides for the last 80 years, but those issues should have been dealt with in the past and are not a justification for the present.

It doesn’t and Israel should stop committing them, as should Hamas.

All Israel are doing is ensuring the next wave of Hamas conscripts.

Who decides when we the statute of limitations is up on past transgressions of Israel?

Who decides when we the statute of limitations is up on past transgressions of Israel?

Same people that decide that for the past transgressions of Terrorism Incorporated. Both sides need to stop, sit down and come to an agreement somehow. The only other way for peace is one Hamas sympathizers will NOT like.

As for 'the next wave of Hamas conscripts'. That is inevitable. 80 ish years ago Israel did nothing but come into existance due to a UN mandate and all the nations around them declared war. Nothing Israel can do or not do will prevent Hamas and the like from growing except ceasing to exist and that is the genocide Hamas et al sympathizers are actually supporting.

Israel has been the one to turn down any ceasefire agreements put forward by Hamas, even the ones with the return of all hostages. So that seems like Israel doesn’t want a resolution and is dead set on the, impossible, task of wiping out Hamas. Which is something that isn’t likely, as killing my whole family might make me join Hamas.

Let me ask you this. Is the Palestinian people have tried peaceful measures to get Israel to stop taking land and killing people, and they’ve tried political means. What choice other than violence is left.

Wasn’t it JFK that said something like “people who make a peaceful resolution impossible will make a violent resolution inevitable”.

Hamas has never proposed releasing all the hostages. It's always some for reciprocation.

I would remind you that the JFK quote works both ways.

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Iran has been fighting a proxy conflict against Israel through the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas since 1985.

How is a state that's largely funded by another state not a proxy for the bigger state? It's not a Israel Iran proxy war. It's a us Iran proxy war

Iran has been supplying the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas with munitions, intel, and training to support attacks on Israel.

And the US has been doing the same for Israel

… Israel will sink our ships if they find them inconvenient.

Perhaps, but they'd do it with missiles that we designed and gave them. -- this is the problem.

They absolutely will. On the other hand the Houthis attacked a Russian ship the other day so same I guess.

Israel is a sovereign nation. According to international law, they are held responsible for their actions. The same law does not apply to independent rebel groups, putting the responsibility on Iran.

If Israel can declare itself a sovereign nation on another peoples land there is no reason rebel groups cannot call themselves legitimate rulers. Anyone can call themselves anything.

There are criteria. It’s not simply self declared.

International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, a government not under another, and the capacity to interact with other states.

So an army and a mailing address?

The Houthis are a Zaydi Shiite movement that has been fighting Yemen's Sunni-majority government since 2004. They reside in Yemen, so they have no land, and they are governed by Yemen. Therefore they are a faction, not a nation.

I was referring to your requirements for being a state. Even in your explanation you state that they have no land, therefore no mailing address, so thats why they are not a nation.

Ownership of land with agreed-upon borders defines a country. A nation needs to govern its land, but does not necessarily have permanent agreed-upon borders. That’s why Palestine is a nation, but not a country, for example.

Cute of you to site international law in favour of country that shits on international law after it got its UN approval.


You’re heavily projecting. I’m not defending Israel, nor do I support what they’ve done to Palestinians. I’m sharing cited factual information about the legal difference between a group, nation, and country. My opinion didn’t even enter the conversation until you incorrectly assumed what it was.

And I am clarifying to you that Israel doesn't recognize any such laws so they don't get any benefit of them.

It is an illegal colonization program conducted at a gun point with forced removals and genocide.

So we are all clear here.

By that logic, so is the US.

Prolly why US population was easily swayed to support this degeneracy

Two wrongs don't make a right and Israel is doing this right now and we are letting them.

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Technically, Hezbollah is a proxy for Israel.

How so? My understanding is that Hezbollah is supported by Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, and Lebanon.

Most of their money and support is coming through Lebanon. And the Moussad is injecting massive ammounts of graft into the Lebanese government in order to destabilize it.

Yeah Russia does this trick. Ukraine is still funding the war against itself but traitors are able to operate within the state.

This shit is cancer

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Possibly because this is retaliation for drone strikes and not part of the "war against Hamas."

People have been warning from day 1 about the possibility of a regional escalation.

Apparently you cannot spend months acting in a way that neighboors who already don't like you find morally reprehensible without some of those neighbors inserting themselves into the conflict.

The real question is how long can Iran avoid getting dragged into that. And if Iran gets involved directly, will we be able to contain this to a regional war, or will this small decades old conflict between parties whose total population is only about 12 million become the trigger for world war 3.

It's less the people and more the trade routes and resources. Some would argue the most important in the world

God I hope so. I had a dream once that the entirety of the land between the black sea and the gulf of aden was glassed smooth, and finally the world was at peace.

Maybe someone mumbled "they have hummus" and everyone else just rolled with it?


You forgot one at least. Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Yemen. Maybe you can find the common denominator within these 4.

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