Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape is booed again, louder, in second match of Olympics

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 862 points –
Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape is booed again, louder, in second match of Olympics

Dutch beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, who served time in prison after he was convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl, won his second match at the Paris Olympics and received an even harsher reaction from the crowd on Wednesday than for his first match.


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What else should they be doing? Storming the court and dragging him to a lynching tree? I'm guessing the French wouldn't be especially accommodating to such vigilantism.

They could have not invited a convicted child rapist to represent their country at the Olympics.

I'm guessing the French wouldn't be especially accommodating to such vigilantism.

You are absolutely correct!

You'd need to use a guillotine.

Holding up signage, shouting rapist, turning their backs...there is a lot of room between booing and lynching.

There's SO many options between one year in prison and extra judicial killing. Like, in prison for 10 years, just off the top of my head.

I agree, but the booing crowd aren't the ones that can put him in prison for 10 years.

Stop putting words in their mouth, there are so many things to do other than booing that are non violent but you just immediately took the most extreme possible outcome and suggested that was what the person you are reply to meant.

I didn't put words in their mouths, I asked a question.

“What else should they do next?” Was the question, everything that came after was you putting words in their mouth as an answer

Again, you are not psychic. You do not know what I meant by what I said because you didn't ask.

Roman Polanski has entered the chat.

Being against lynching means I'm a child rapist? Really?

No no no no. I was just pointing out that France won't extradite a child rapist. Calm down friend.

Edit: spelling


Really? You want vigilantism and lynching? Do you think that might possibly go wrong at some point?

I think it's a little different than typical vigilantism when he's convicted and demonstrably used his privilege to get out of it, much less when he's in the Olympics representing his nation (of child rapists, apparently, thus the government officials defending his right to get children drunk and rape them).

You are right that France isn't the place to do it though, the French pedophilic cabal that has infiltrated the government is their Supreme Court.

"A little different." This time. What about all the other times? What if it's a member of the French supreme court that it turns out that, despite you thinking they're a pedophile, they aren't actually a pedophile?

I mean if they’re high in the judiciary they’re already guilty of something. It’s like billionaires, you know? Probably best to just get rid of the lot. Safer.

Or are they one of the ones stopping the corruption from spreading, but the lynch mob was convinced by the corrupt one that they were the real pedophile?

Also, black people were regularly accused of that in the U.S. during the era when lynchings were common.

If they’re in the supreme court, they are the corruption.

(BTW, I don’t agree with lynching alleged or sentenced pedophiles, just wanted to get in my little jabs at the court)

Seems to me like a supreme court is kind of needed. So how do you have one if everyone on it is automatically corrupt?

Some kind of institution with final decision making ability for disputes is needed, yes.

How would I have it structured? Something along these lines:

  • The body itself is entirely transparent with all meetings and matters of discussion open to the public
  • The body makes decisions by consensus
  • The body is created to deal with a single issue and immediately disbanded thereafter.
  • No single person can serve on such a body more than once.
  • The members of the body are chosen by some kind of open, democratic process.
  • There are otherwise no restrictions, requirements, or limitations upon the capacity of who can be on such a body (e.g. no age requirements, no citizenship requirements, etc.)

I’m not an expert and these aren’t exhaustive or anything, just a few ideas. Obviously the rules shouldn’t be decided by a single person, they should be decided by consensus.

Wouldn't that require everyone to have extensive knowledge of the laws of the land? There's a reason people go to law school for years. You can't simplify a nation's laws enough to have your system unless there was only one law and it was 'whatever the kind says is illegal is illegal.' You couldn't even establish proper courtroom procedure that way because everyone would have to know what is and isn't legally permissible.

No, not really - these kinds of decisions would be more along the lines of finding a fair resolution to a dispute, rather than the interpretation of specific law. That sort of thing is done with the intent to oppress, rather than remediate.

We basically have this system already for lots of crimes in certain legal systems based on the commonwealth, it’s called a jury.

So there also shouldn't be laws? Because otherwise I'm not sure how matters of law should be settled like this if people aren't familiar with the laws.

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i think at the very least he deserves an ass whooping. not trying to get into vigilante wierdo justice here but it would be nice to see one less confirmed remorseless pedo in this world since the system has definitely failed in this case.

So..you are suggesting the lynching tree.

ya basically but im not trying to come off as a edgelord maniac saying its the responsibility of regular people to vigilante this guy. itd be cool if they did but i doubt that would make the person this piece of filth hurt feel any better. At the very least tho itd be cool to see him jumped and every bone broken in his body and him then turned into a vegetable thatd be cool.

Well, I'm sure you tried. It's still an edgelord maniac's take.

l think its actually pretty reasonable to want a unrepentant pedophile rapist who has escaped justice to be served his just desserts. Im against the death penalty world wide because again justice isnt perfect and sometimes innocent people (especially in america and especially minorities) get executed. But in a rare case like this i think the gloves should be taken off a lil, but who knows maybe im just deranged.

You might not be trying to get into vigilante justice but you did anyway

Maybe they can start by sitting on the court/field? 😏

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