What's one thing you should never cheap out on?

mommykink@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 97 points –

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Anything that goes between you and the ground. Shoes, bed, tires.

And chair

I spend 8 hours a day working from home on my computer. A good chair isn't a luxury, it's an investment.

Yup, what you rocking? I have settled on a leap V2 love the thing

I got a mid-tier inexpensive mesh chair and the mesh is worn out. 100% getting an Aeron next.

Do it! I got one of Madisonseating.com on a sale they had going and have zero regrets, other than I wish I did this much sooner.

I worked somewhere with legitimate Aerons once. Was the only office chair I've shared workspaced on that didn't have either an odorous reek or armrests picked to bare foam.

Sitting for that long is bad for you, regardless of the chair. Get a standing desk.

I take a 5 minute break every hour to stand up, take a glass of water, etc.

Invest in a standing desk. Sitting all day, even in a good chair is no good for you. Mix it up.

My god how many times is this question and this response going to be posted on the Internet. This single question/response must make up at least a third of all LLM datasets.


Laughs in Australian while wearing $2 thongs hiking in the bush.

Bought some nice shoes about a week ago after wearing the same pair of Crocs every day for over a year. It's incredible

Side note, the bottoms of my Crocs where my big toe was is noticably thinner than the rest of the shoe lol

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