Outrage as DeSantis Staffer 'Retweets' Nazi Symbol Video: 'Disgusting'

inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 545 points –
Outrage as DeSantis staffer 'retweets' Nazi symbol video: 'Disgusting'

A video which features Ron DeSantis that includes a symbol often associated with neo-Nazi groups has been met with outrage after it was allegedly retweeted by his campaign team.


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I hate both parties equally, but Republicans are Nazis, fascists, and racist. Democrats are just corporate lobbyists.

Republicans are also corporate lobbyists in addition to being nazis


I dislike water chestnuts, but I'd hate one soaked in radioactive diarrhea a lot more.

Another quote to add to my now begun collection of (political) analogies. The second one after "Voting for [right wing party name] is like shitting in your own bed because you're angry about not being able to sleep at night"

Here's one I reappropriated and modified from a dumb Conservative that was using it ineffectually:

Conservatives are like vegan cats, fed the wrong shit so it's all they can regurgitate.

This one in particular isn't doing a good job of it though, considering he's been biting the hand that feeds Florida with his Disney feuds. Really, clowns like DeSantis should be all the proof corporate America needs to understand these nazis will turn on them in a heartbeat too, but capitalism loves fascism too much to really step in.

I'm not a fan of either party but one of them are outright fascists courting the most hateful ignorant people to win votes.

The other are corporate sellouts, maybe one day if we all go vote we can drag the discussion back to the left a little and get an actual lefty candidate instead of corpo whores

I hate both parties equally.

Words to chuckle at.

They are and it's the main reason both are against any other parties in the US. I find it absolutely hilarious that people defend either party when wage growth is nonexistent. Health care and insurance is a fucking racket and housing prices and rents are ridiculous. But hey cheer for my side, they're better! 🤡🤡🤡

I hope you don't hate Nazis, fascists, and racists as much as corporate lobbyists.

Ever notice how nothing Democrats do to resist Republican fascism works? That's by design.

Ratchet politics.

Repubs move right and dems prevent moving back left.

While I disagree that it’s “by design,” I will grant you that they definitely benefit the more loathesome the far right becomes. It wasn’t a feature, it was a result they didn’t foresee that they’re just taking full advantage of.

Their goal is absolutely to get elected and stay in power, it’s not to do away with the fascist edifice quickly being built higher and higher to the right of them. Trump’s brand of open racism and hostility was a boon for the democrats. They raised an obscene amount of funds from citizens while continuing their donations from business. Trumps basically widened their revenue stream. If we stay mad and scared, they stay flush. Which…huh…is very much the far right strategy as well, isn’t it?

It’s incredibly fucked up, because while everything above is definitely true, it’s also true that they are the finger in the dike between neoliberal corporatist bullshit and those fascists taking full power. Both are pretty fuckin distasteful options. And it’s hard to do anything…but whether it’s distasteful or hard or awful or any other horrible adjective, fascism is still fascism. A lot of us have the privilege of not being a clear target when fascists come to town. The marginalized groups are the first line that go down if we fail to keep up the fecal facade of neoliberalism. A shitty decision, but one that we unfortunately have to make every two years.

Who won the civil war? Do republicans need to be told again?

Who won the civil war?

The Republicans headed by Abraham Lincoln.

They fought the Democrat southern states who were not happy giving up slavery.

Misinformation is allowed in this community so that conservatives can pretend that the southern strategy never happened.

So based on your reply you're a loser Southern state Democrat who's still salty about losing your slaves. Something tells me you didn't vote Biden though... You do realise we know which side is which despite how disingenuous you try to be, you'll always be a stupid, half-baked, soft in the noggin loser.

You asked which side won and specifically mentioned Republicans. I responded with which side won. Do you deny Republicans won the civil war or did you just not want the answer to the question you asked?

Being intentionally belligerent doesn't make you intelligent, but the way you avoid my accusation proves it was on point. Typical Conservative, only want to pretend to be a Democrat when it suits you to be disingenuous. What's wrong, your pathetic Republican party name not worthy of your support? Coward. We both know how you vote.

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