Umm I think I'll just delete you instead

🦥󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠󠀠 to Mildly – 887 points –

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I will never understand why people switched from WhatsApp to telegram. Tg is just Russian WhatsApp.

What are the kids using nowadays? Signal?

Kids? Instagram

It's not as safe to hook up with your dealer on Instagram, silly.

You shouldn’t really hook up with dealers anyway. Just buy your drugs and leave—don’t bang them! They are notoriously exploitative.

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Whatsapp doesn't have even a tiniest bit of telegram functionality, most importantly, bots. The person who made this post bitches about weirdly specific functionality that doesn't affect you at all. I have a telegram premium (which is dirty cheap) and I never knew I could ban sending VMs, nor I had any reason to do so. Even in the free version you can restrict people who can write to you (e.g. only your contacts), if you don't like to get VMs from your friends, just tell them. Also, security-wise, we all know that whatsapp gives your data to whatever US authorities ask and tg never did anything like that. All the security risks came from users not paying attention to privacy settings, like exposing their mobile number.

I have a telegram premium (which is dirty cheap)

Is it cheaper than USD 4.99 per month? That's the cost I could find online. Premium is not available where I live, so I cannot just take a look.

It has the absolute best and fluid user experience of all messengers I've tried so far, especially in conjunction with the desktop client.

As I remember it, nobody had cared about Telegram until Signal started gaining some traction as a more private WA alternative. Telegram just rode that wave, plus I suppose it has better support for large groups I guess? The fact that those aren't even encrypted just gets lost.

Telegram is literally what WhatsApp wishes it could be. Also Pavel doesn't get along with Russia.

Telegram is not Russian. The creator is, but that is about it.

I think they are referring to the large Russian user base.

I think they are referring to the large Russian user base.

Telegram is one of the very few ways for uncensored communication and news gathering.

yeah go to matrix instead, or signal

Enjoying Matrix, there seems to be an actual focus on privacy. We're using it for the development comms for Kbin. Feels like an alternative version of discord

Telegram has much better Windows/iPad apps, open source client, faster, more customizable, support for sending lossless-files, etc. It's a much better app, and not owned by Meta

I really hate whatsapp design for some reason

TIL telegram is Russian and bad. dang.

It's not. The founder is russian and created vKontakte but basically had it taken away from him by Putin. He's outspoken against the regime and just because he's born in Russia shouldn't mean he should be seen as part of that crappy government.

No. He was born Russian, but has moved out of it after his other social platform VK was confiscated and now owned the Russia. He lives in Germany Dubai, where he placeed Telegram's HQ.

oh this makes me feel much better about staying on telegram, thanks for the info!

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