Facebook's "Threads" has lost more than half of its users

Eureka Phoenix@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 701 points –
Mark Zuckerberg: Threads users down by more than a half

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I love how everyone still calls them Facebook. It's the simple things.

Nothing makes me happier than deadnaming a corporation

I dont care how long it has been or how persistent you are. It's fucking Comcast Xfinity sounds like the subtitle to a terrible Sci-fi movie from the 80s

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This highlights how deep the BS surrounding Musk has burrowed into the media scape. They invariably refer to his companies as "Elon Musks Tesla" or "Elon Musks Twitter" and so on. Where other billionaire's (for the most part) avoid the limelight and their companies stand seperate to their idiotic personal choices.

I say “Elon Musk’s Twitter” like would I say “Joel Schumacher’s Batman” — to identify it as the worst version of the thing.

Here's his prequels

Elon Musks failed Solar City

Elon Musks failed Boring Company

Elon Musks failed Hyperloop

Unfortunately Boring and the hyperloop were wins for him. The goal was to get cities to continue using cars.

Boring and Hyperloop were successful, they were meant to divert local governments from pursuing viable public transportation projects.

Just a few more failures away from qualifying to be president of the USA.

Lol the tweet I found this article from referred to it as Meta. nah.

I like how you still call it a tweet. I hope tweet, tweeting and twitter remain the lexicon for X forever.

Tweet and Retweet are now Post and Repost 😭

It's just mindboggling. I never even used Twitter and I'm annoyed about it.

More like eXcrete, and eXhibit.

Twitter and tweeting where such well established and creative words, which set Twitter apart. I loved the analogy to birds. And Elon just throws all of that away...

No no, let it change. If “””X””” loses the actually marketable and popular terminology it’s all downhill from there (like, even more than now)

Yeah but you posted it as Facebook. You're doing good.

the local telephone service here has seen several owners and even more name changes in the last couple decades. i still call it by the company name it had in the 90s.

Stadiums get like too.

Going to catch the game at the T-Moble Samsung SL17 this weekend?

Just like X will never replace Twitter. That was a weird rebranding tbh. Meta at least makes some sense.

That's because Zuckerberg is actually a smart guy. He may be a prick and an asshole and possibly not human, but you really can't deny he is smart.

Musk is an immature idiot with money.

Meta lost $40 billion in Metaverse. I wouldn't call that smart. Facebook rebranding kept Facebook as a sub product of Meta. Elon should have done the same with Twitter by keeping Twitter as a product under X.

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