CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% to politics – 801 points –
CNN Poll: Percentage of Republicans who think Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70% | CNN Politics

The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who believe that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate has ticked back up, according to a new CNN poll fielded throughout July. All told, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaners say Biden’s win was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and through last fall, even as there is no evidence of election fraud that would have altered the outcome of the contest.


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So, 69% of Republicans are traitors to the Republic. That's what I'm hearing.

How many of those 70% knows it's a lie, but went along with it. There's a reason why I support rejecting Republicans and I would go as far as not funding red states along with boycotting businesses residing from those states.

That would backfire spectacularly. We must always keep in mind that Republican policies keep their citizens in a state of disinformation and dilapidation. If your life is already miserable, denied education and resources so as to never escape what few jobs are left, you'll latch onto anyone promising salvation. That is the whole reason we saw J6ers go as far as they did.

The long road has the best chances of keeping the country in one piece. Dispelling falsehoods piece by piece, enacting programs that modernize not just infrastructure but local economies as well. Bring the success of the coasts inward to lands exploited and abandoned by corporations and their elected goons. As difficult as it sounds, we're looking at another reconstruction era for those kneecapped by decades of Republican control.

I also support the rising tides raise all boats approach. There is so much hate for these poor, white, uneducated, disenfranchised swaths of middle America. It is too easy to just say they deserve what they get, instead of dragging them (kicking and screaming I might add) into the 21st century. Even if many of them are a lost cause, we shouldn't be so keen on throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I see no realistic solution that does not include fighting Republicans for the hearts and minds of the average working class American. This is why Democrats continue to struggle even with overwhelming statistical advantages. The corporatist wing of the Democrats continue to block the kind of New Deal, Social Democracy, Keystone policies that actually win elections.

You change the material conditions of millions of people, and see how fast they jump on board. Most people cannot see the forest through the trees when they are drowning in the inevitability of automation and skilled labor killing their livelihood. We need to force the Democrats to take bold action to better the lives of the whole country, or we will suffer the consequences of political inaction. It starts with the local first. The bottom up, grassroots approach can work. It just takes time, determination, and a desire to refocus the agenda away from culture war naval gazing and onto real world solutions.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Does no one remember 2016-2020? The whole time people said Trumps win was a sham.

Are those people traitors too?

I'm not saying Biden's win was bullshit, but I swear no one can remember past 30 minutes ago

It's not the same. Most people calling the 2016 election a sham will admit that Trump did technically win by the rules as written, but also think that those rules are bullshit because they allowed a multi-million person majority to be shut out in favor of a malevolent moron. The people saying Biden lost are saying he literally cheated and that there's a conspiracy of thousands of government employees collaborating to break the rules and subvert the will of the people; that the multi-million majority literally doesn't exist. This is just as disingenuous as comparing the top secret documents that Trump hid to the ones that Biden and Pence handed over immediately on request.

did ANY of those people try a coup?


Remember when liberals took over parts of a city and created CHAZ/CHOP?

Oh no people in a park. Not at all the same as trying to overturn an election.

Also I remember when trumpets stormed the wa govs mansion.

People in a park?

Way to really under sell the destruction that happened there, but I guess that's exactly what the democrats do.

They took over a large portion of a city, and people got shot. They wouldn't let police in and let people die. They destroyed the buildings in there and innocent people had to leave who didn't want to be involved.

There was deaths, arson and destruction

But sure. People in a park.

large portion? dude it was a park. and not even the whole park. ohh scary.

meanwhile armed magats tried breaking into the govs mansion

They took over a portion of the city. 6 city blocks.

Did you really gaslight yourself to believe it was just a park?

This shows how large it was and how just people got shot

i live in the seattle area. it was the park. yes people did get shot. i never denied that. but they never tried to take over the city or anything.

meanwhile on jan 6th magats tried to get the wa gov. as far as i know we couldve had another incident like they did in michigan. oh yeah and all the other stuff in the nations capitol.

Jan 6th was overblown

No one was on there, inside they walked around the ropes, no tweet was made by trump supporting it, it was all fabricated by the left.

The left have invaded multiple capitol buildings since but we ignore those don't we?

rofl. i cant wait til trump is convicted for his coup attempt. "fabricated by the left" rofl. great joke. the left couldnt fabricate its way out of a wet paper bag.

What attempt? This isn't the first time you tried to convict him on something with zero evidence.

Just scared democracy might work and people will vote for someone who can string a sentence together

jan 6th when he told his magats to go fight like hell. im not the one trying to convict him, thats jack smith and he has plenty of evidence. trumps gonna be found guilty whether you like it or not. i cant wait.

and people will vote for biden, youre correct. hes not gonna brag about beating a cognition test. "hey guys you wont believe it im barely cognizant." trump boasted. "man, woman, person, camera, tv. it was a hard test but i passed." and that was 3 years ago. hes not getting better.

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Some of ‘em did burn cars and buildings, I assume they would’ve fallen in line for storming Capitol Hill too.

Never underestimate those who will get violent because their preferred candidate didn’t win.

One side did and one side you're just saying that the could have.

What's the difference between those two?

blame the left all you want it was trump and his supporters who attempted a coup.

…why the fuck would I blame ‘the left’ for Trump’s attempted coup?

Still no evidence Trump supported a coup

Also a coup that just followed the red velvet rope around? Yeah scary shit

And coming dangerously close to our elected officials while chanting they wanted to hang people with the gallows they built outside. And remember people died there. And there's tons of evidence trump led it, why do you think he's getting charged for it.

No one was in the building

right. sure no one was in the building.

ya know other than all the people actually inside the building. like that one idiot who was shot because she refused to comply with police orders as she was trying to break into where members of congress were at.

No official, but yeah change the comment lol

i didnt change anything.

also there were officials in the building. all of congress was in the capitol building when magats stormed it looking for blood.

There were not, I don't remember that woman's name that claimed she was crying inside as she could hear them.. turns out she was across the road. They evacuated everyone way before.

You're just behaving like good little Nazis, remember "blame the Jews"? Now it's "blame the maga" lol

well when the maga does the crime they get the blame. facts over feelings. plenty of members of congress were in the capitol building that day. mike pence was there was well. but sure you can believe whatever nonsense fox "news" has told you.

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An angry person smashing the window of a Starbucks is not a fucking threat to the Republic, dude.

People burning down cars very well could be, if some lunatic spent some time brainwashing ‘em.

"If. Could be."

Didn't happen though...

…again, I never said it did. Do you have poor reading comprehension?

You keep imagining a reality that never happened and then criticizing that universe. I guess I'm puzzled as to what you're trying to achieve but to make it sound like everyone is as bad as each other. It's just not the case.

you’re just imagining an alternate reality and criticizing it

I’m not sure how you got that out of what I said, but cool ig

If wishes were fishes I could feed the world, buddy. There's a reason that left wing agitation is a threat to windows and right wing agitation is a threat to the Republic. It's the difference between an insurrectionist traitor and an angry child.

Yes, that reason is that Republicans let a lunatic come into power, and he was able to consolidate his insane voterbase and stir ‘em up into a frenzy.

And conservatives are unified enough to rally behind a strongman leader. Leftists and liberals just aren't. People on the left are motivated by different ideas and ideologies. This isn't Imperial Russia where a small, motivated group of leftists can mount a military coup. Taking power from the left means coalition building here, and if someone goes fucking crazy in power that coalition disintegrates.

That’s another thing, yeah; the American Right, especially lately, is beyond cultish.

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The small insignificant difference between the two is that those people didn’t try to break into congress and kill the people who disagreed

To be fair though, a few Dem supporters do scream quite a bit about how much they’d love to kill all conservatives. There were quite a few of those crazies demanding his head during the post-election drama too.

Not saying that Dem voters did actually do that, but I wouldn’t put it past some of ‘em either.

A few anti-Republican individuals (not necessarily even Democrats) saying some shit is nothing compared to leading members of the Republican party calling for violence. The shit they say is literally the position of the party itself.

Again, I did say there was a difference. Also, these were most certainly Democrats.

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