The point of racing is to spend the least amount of time doing something you enjoy. to – 226 points –

Next time I get my ass kicked at Mario Kart, I'm going to claim I was practicing mindfulness.

The point of racing is to be the best, like no one ever was.

They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank.
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns.
Their prowess is potent and secretly stern.

As they speed through the finish, the flags go down. The fans get up, and they get out of town.

The arena is empty except for one man
Still driving and striving as fast as he can

The sun has gone down and the moon has come up. And long ago somebody left with the cup.

to catch them is my real test
to train them is my cause

The faster you are the more laps you can get in per day. They're just maximising their enjoyment of the whole course.

But seriously, you probably know yourself that racing isn't just the racing part, but the training, mechanical work, the community and traveling and stuff.

Same with golfing, bowling, darts, etc. I think part of the enjoyment of these types of sports/games/competitions is to see how close to perfection you can get.

I think this works better with golf. The point of it is to play as little golf as possible

And yet due to practice and training you will do more of it that anyone else.

The race is only the record, not the construction.

I guess that makes work the opposite of racing.

Work is like racing with checkpoints. You get to keep going as long as you keep getting to checkpoints on time.

I had some friends who were amateur racers. They were almost always working on their cars. I think the hobby is 99% preparation, 1% presentation. Lots of time investment for a short race.

Depends on the kind of race.

Most races are distance traveled the fastest.

But there are races, occasionally, where you have a set time to reach as far a distance as possible.