Wafrn, the tumblr inspired fedi software has got a new logo and a new installer

gabboman@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 115 points –
GitHub - gabboman/wafrn: Wafrn is a small social media that respects you. No alt right, no nazis, no terfs. Join us and have fun

Well, so as the thing says, I've updated the software a lot, comissioned an artist for a logo and now is not a hell to install.


@gabboman @fediverse oh wow I wonder who would develop this

Is this comment made from a wafrn instance? It's cool that it works with lemmy

@arudesalad its more like in mastodon tbh. its a comment to a post

No alt right, no nazis, no terfs.

How it's possible to enforce this on self-hostable software?

What differences does this have over Lemmy?

Edit: I never actually used Tumbler

Tumblr is a blogging experience that's similar to Twitter, but more focused on the user itself than on the central feed.

  • You have your blogs and you post there. Yes, you can have many blogs.
  • There's global feeds with posts from all users, potentially including yours.
  • Posts can have non-intrusive hashtags, meaning they are not #partOfThePost, but in a separate, smaller, dedicated section of the post.
  • You can't post stuff to someone else's blog, but you can comment on their posts. Comments are tiny next to the post.
  • You can quote posts, but that makes a duplicate in a blockquote rather than linking to the original post like Twitter

Tumblr is short-form blogging platform, inspired by tumbleblogs, which were a thing back in the day (another example of Big Tech lifting an idea and then walling it off). So it's like micro-blogging but without the word limit, so you can throw out a thought or a picture or a video, or go into greater detail if the mood took you. On Tumblr people would tend to have a few on different topics.

I much preferred it to Twitter as it felt a lot more free-form but usually focused on a topic.

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How do you pronounce Wafrn?

The more alternatives to corporation owned social media the better! I hope it takes off, but I've never really been a Tumblr guy.

Keep making open source projects words no one can pronounce or spell. I love using stuff no one uses… glad it’s being worked on but wow it’s like a battle to name things confusing sets of letters

Wafrn, in MY Lemmy?? It's more likely than I thought!

Seriously though I LOVE Wafrn. I got into Tumblr right at the tail end immediately before it went to shit, and I always regretted not doing it sooner. Wafrn rules.