Todd Howard says Fallout renaissance is "beyond anything" he's seen in his career

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 79 points –
Todd Howard says Fallout renaissance is "beyond anything" he's seen in his career

Give me robust lore and I will want to play more.

Not fucking up the f/c Fallout London mod would've also gotten me to play more (or at least, again). I played & enjoyed FO4 on PS, bought it again for Steam specifically for the new mod.

It'll sit unplayed until the mod is ready!

Characterization, world building and real dilemmas for the player will be the future of Fallout, not photorealistic graphics & live service features

Todd Howard misunderstood your request! Fallout will consist of more crafting and loot collecting and shooting, with very minimal world building beyond what's been established.

I don't think you are a good fit at Bethesda I'm sorry hector we are going to have to let you go. Our culture is mass market appeal, casualization, trend chasing and microtransactions.

Ha, no, not unless Microsoft forces them to hand the IP over to a decent developer.

Just hand over the reins to Obsidian and it'll be 10x better than what Bethesda can produce.

i dunno, outer worlds was very mid imo

Wonder if they regret having used that development time on Starfield instead of a new Fallout, because with this renewed interest due to the show a Fallout 5 would have done ridiculously well

If we get Fallout 5 before Elder Scrolls 6 I'll lose my shit.

I’m really glad they used that low effort development time on Starfield. Maybe that games piss poor reception will shock someone into putting a little more effort into the next fallout.

If they really cared about fallout they'd give it back to black isle/obsidian for another release

They worked on both their engine and Starfield. I just hope now the next games don't require too much engine work (since it was anyway designed around segmented maps of Oblivion and Fallout 3) and can ship games at a faster cadence.

It's a solid IP it's sadly Bethesda lack the skills it demands to flourish and the mod developers have been floating them for the last 20 years

Right, its hot right now because Amazon made a good show out of it, not because of anything Bethesda did. They almost killed the IP with Fallout 76.

I mean yea, props to Amazon for the good show but the story and lore of fallout has always been there. The games were just bad without mods. Honestly if Bethesda just sold books they'd probably be best sellers

Bethesda didn't create fallout though, they didn't put their hands in the series until the third game.

Fallout seems to be getting the Edgerunners treatment at the moment. Shame about the fallout London fiasco, that would have convinced me to spin it up again.

Just like every new metal band's album is their 'heaviest'

That's not what renaissance means. A renaissance is lots of examples of something happening during a short period. There hasn't been a fallout game for many years.

Amazing how Fallout has gotten so much attention from his so suddenly…

I wonder what changed?

Perception and attention, the newer games still pale in comparison to fallout nv and in general the trend of bethesda games becoming more soulless and less well written rpg's. But the tv shows made gamers that didn't play them play them especially 76 and fallout 4.

Fallout 4 is the highest selling Fallout game by a mile