One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds to politics – 174 points –

From the article, emphasis mine:

also found that 56% of Republican registered voters said the case would have no effect on their vote and 35% said they were more likely to support Trump

Far more of them like that he paid off a porn star to keep quiet about the fact that he cheated on his wife.

...and criminally falsified business records to claim those payments were legitimate business expanses. Everyone keeps forgetting the crime part of his crimes regarding his convictions.

Close, but still not quite the real issue! That part is a crime, but only a misdemeanor, and it's usually not even pursued. The reason it's being pursued in this case and he's now a felon is because it's a felony to try to influence an election by committing a crime, and so trump trying to cover up the affair by committing a crime so he'd be more likely to win the election, is the key ingredient that makes it this significant.

Yup, in short, Election Interference!

One of the GQP’s favorite projections. The grooming pedo stuff is gonna be horrifying when it finally is proven.

Falsified business records to interfere in an election

35% of republican voters, who were already going to vote trump anyway, were already trumps rabid fanbase. The significant part is the 10% that are turned away, the 56% were either going to vote for or against him regardless.

If...a big IF...Trump loses 10% of his 2020 vote, I'll be drunk by midnight November 5th.

I read this as 10% of republican voters will give the answer they think is socially acceptable. Because if you where still on the fence about Trump what is a little financial fraud between ... Ehm... A god king and his devout followers.

Problem is there is still months and months of spinning the story. With all he has done it probably won't be hard to win them back.

All of these people who had already decided they wanted to vote for him after he mocked someone's disability, insulted the parents of a fallen marine, and declared on tape that he sexually assaulted women.

Fuck these verminous excuses for humanity

The real damage, I think, will be to the "maybe Trump" independents.

It makes a steeper hill for Trump to climb to win. But we still gotta fight to make sure he doesn't.

this election is going to come down to whoever loses more votes... and I don't think trump's bases is all that disloyal.

He still had some ignorant complacent independents voting for him. This could change a few.

I'm hoping, here.

Less likely isn't the same as unlikely, most of those people probably just went from definitely voting for Trump to probably voting for Trump.

Another fucking poll.

Polls are meaningless. Just go out and VOTE, people. It's the only way to ensure that that fuckwit doesn't get to the WH again. Don't get complacent. Vote! Do it!

Don’t just vote, do everything you can to get one additional voter out to vote too whether that’s organized text blasts, letters, phone banking, or just encouraging a friend that usually skips the election. I was a poll worker in 2020 and I texted 2 friends that were registered at that polling place to come vote and visit me and both came who otherwise would have sat out.

You'd think if you interfered with an election, started an insurrection, and state that you will be a dictator, that you wouldn't be permitted to run for office. This isn't what America is. This shit stain needs to go away and we need some adults back on the republican side.

Elections are won at the margins. It’s only tens of thousands of votes in a few states that matter. We must find some way to maintain this erosion of the traitor’s support.

10% may not be enough to flip Texas, but I'd be shocked if 10% doesn't give the election to Joe.

10% everywhere would be a decisive victory for Biden. Polls would only need to be off by about 1.2% to flip Texas in that case, which isn't entirely implausible.

I've been doing my estimates based off of the 2020 election results because word is the polling has recently become less reliable. Given the polls are likely skewing towards the GOP, such a slim lead is exceptionally good news.

"Less likely" doesn't mean these self-identifying Republicans will stay home, much less vote for the first "D" in their lives. I think this is a net gain for Democracy and Biden, but make no mistake: This will still be a very close, very important election.

Please Vote, Volunteer, and Donate. Your country depends on it...

They are nearly all personality-worshiping fascists, you say!?

I’m shocked. Shocked!

Well, not that shocked.

Yeah right. He's been a piece of shit his entire life, he was the worst president in history, and now after 34 felonies, we draw the line? Bullshit. They're voting for him regardless.

This. So many times I thought he was taking steps too big for them to follow, but now I really think at this point he could suck Putin's dick on live TV and they'd just take the gold medal in moral gymnastics.

Shamefully low, but not surprising because they knew who he was already and like it.

Even if you’re a conservative that thinks prosecuting someone for falsifying business documents is petty, don’t you at least feel that cheating on your wife with a “whore” pornstar while she is pregnant goes against your Christian values and makes one unfit for president? If a democrat did the same, would you be complacent on the matter, Mr./Ms. Conservative?