Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support to politics – 79 points –
Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support

The campaign plans to have a presence this month at more than 200 Pride events in 23 states, including all of the battleground states, and to launch a paid media blitz aimed at mobilizing LGBTQ voters, two campaign officials said in details first shared with NBC News.

Some of Biden’s allies worry about waning support among LGBTQ voters.

The Human Rights Campaign, recently committed to spend $15 million in six battleground states to help Biden win in November, citing concerns about waning support from LGBTQ voters. HRC estimates that this year one-third of the 75 million “equality voters” — who vote based on support for LGBTQ rights — might not be guaranteed Biden voters.


I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against trump.

Yeah, the GoP needs to be crushed since they literally plan to dismantle democracy

Biden not winning means not even a chance at fair elections, period

This is the way. I did it in 2020 for Biden as he was my 2nd least favorite in the primary. I've been pleasantly surprised with significant labor wins, and debt forgiveness. All procured by his administration. There are definitely some negative issues larger than him and his administration. Sitting this out and risking fascists getting power will only end worse.

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I'm guessing "not brazenly funding mass murder" wasn't on their get LGBT support bingo card?

Talk to Congress. Biden as our top diplomat has been more diplomatic than Bibi the butcher deserves. The speaker of the house. The group responsible for passing and funding foreign aid. Has already said he will be campaigning against and lying about Biden based on the limited push back he's given to Israel. Biden can't stop the aid. We can argue as a leader he should be lending his voice and leadership to stopping it. But if you want it stopped. Adress Mike Johnson and the Zionist in Congress. And maybe not help them get even more power.

"Babe, wake up. It's an election year so now they're showing up at Pride and want our vote and money."

So anyone who doesn't know already return2ozma is very anti Biden as seen by basically only posting anti Biden articles. I'm curious as to what they think a better option that we have right now is? We all know the Republican party isn't the better option for LGBTQ. They push the anti Biden agenda but don't offer other options. Don't fall for the Subtle Trumper tactics.

Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community? Our history of activism and fighting for our rights? Calling me a subtle Trumper is so uncouth.

The lack of an answer to my question is all the answer I needed. This person has a strong anti Biden agenda, just look at the post history. It's fine to be critical of Biden, but they are not critical of anyone else. Please people do not be fooled.

No need to be critical of republicans, we all know they are garbage, they are open in their bigotry and racism. Democrats are covert in theirs, so it needs to be called out. The guy that helped hand our marriages to the states, where it was before Obergefell, is no ally to my community. The party that actively engages in social murder is no ally to my community

Another newbie? I've said multiple times I hate Republican-lite and genocider Biden. I also hate Trump and the GOP. Where's the problem?

Of course you already know what the problem is. We live in a first past the post system which means we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. If you can't accept that is the problem then you are another problem.

We live in a democracy. I'm not forced to vote for either one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Seems the party that's going to save democracy doesn't like democracy very much.

It's your vote to throw away but if we get another 4 years of Trump you can kindly fuck off and quit complaining.

Don't blame the voters, blame the candidate whose job it is to earn the votes.

We're blaming first past the post. It's just math. If the left is divided across multiple candidates, we will lose to the party that is unified in voting for one.

So if you actually care about LGBTQ rights, don't throw away your vote.

Biden has been working on LGBTQ issues his entire term.

The white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justice.

Malcolm X

All the shit Biden is doing is symbolic, which doesn't pay the damn bills

HRC is nothing but gatekeepers for the DNC.

I mean, no, they're changes to law and policy which is literally not symbolic. But you can just say whatever, you're free to do that I guess.

He's a Russian bot posting from Kamchatka, don't waste your time. Downvote & Block and move on.

The HRC has long been a corporate controlled piece of shit org that activist LGBTQ+ don't support. Former HRC President Chad Griffin worked in the Clinton White House. During Bernie vs Clinton instead of having the members vote who to have the org endorse, he made the decision to bypass them and endorse Hillary. Their own website had her at an 87% for supporting LGBTQ Rights while they had Bernie at a 99%. After their social media pages were bombarded with that, they removed the rankings from their website.

Anyways, here's some other reasons LGBTQ+ that pay attention don't like the HRC...

Human Rights Campaign Under Fire in LGBT Community. Queer groups call foul on the largest LGBT nonprofit, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), for glorifying corporations the groups consider to be downright dirty.

LGBTQ+ Protestors Call Out Human Rights Campaign’s Ties to Weapons Manufacturer

This queer isn't voting for the genocidal POS. He betrayed us with the bullshit Respect for Marriage Act. Among other issues. He, nor his party are allies to the LGBTQ+ or any other marginalized community.'re giving a free vote to the administration that is actively going out of its way to hurt the LGBTQ as much as it possibly can? You do you then, I guess?

Then Biden better get started on earning my vote. But we both know he won't. He's a POS like his Republican counterpart that doesn't care about any marginalized groups.

And quit using my community as human shields to defend shitty politics.

Nah, I don't think I will, because it makes no sense to me that you'd actively let the administration that has done everything it can to hurt you get a free vote. Just seems extreme, but again, you do you. Also, I'm stating hard facts, not "using" your community as a shield.

Those are not facts. What has Biden done to help lift the lgbtq community out of poverty out of homelessness out of food insecurity? Not a goddamn thing. While Republicans have passed 300 anti-lgbtq bills in the last few years, Democrats have offered nothing to counteract those laws on the federal level. We don't need the endless and meaningless symbolic victories. We need economic ones and Biden is failing

I mean, they are facts. Democrats aren't perfect either. We all know this, but it makes no sense that you'd choose to give the party that has passed 300 anti LGBTQ bills an easy win over a party that at least isn't passing 300 anti LGBTQ bills. You do you, man. Have a good day!

Who said anything about the red fascists getting my vote?

Read up on the problems with fptp voting system and maybe you'll understand that not voting for democrats is actively helping republicans.

If there was any party that had a chance of beating republicans and promised to replace fptp then that would be the party to vote for, unfortunately no such party exists.

The Democrats should start voting 3rd party to help create that reality, otherwise they are complicit in what they allow their party to do. This is why politics keep getting worse, Democrats do something like genocide but give people like Biden a pass because Republicans might do the same thing. Rewarding them with power time and again regardless what they do allowing things to get worse.

Lmao republicans "might" do the same thing... You're a moron.