Trump holds wide leads in Iowa, South Carolina: polls to – 32 points –
Trump holds wide leads in Iowa, South Carolina: polls

Former President Trump holds commanding leads over potential Republican challengers in early 2024 primary states Iowa and South Carolina, according to new Fox Business polls. In Iowa, Trump garnered 46% support compared to 16% for Ron DeSantis and 11% for Tim Scott. In South Carolina, Trump received 48% support to 14% for Nikki Haley and 13% for DeSantis. The polls show Trump with wide leads despite being under investigation by the Justice Department for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. The strong polling numbers indicate Trump remains a formidable front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination.


Republicans are wild. A twice impeached, twice (so far!) indicted, disloyal, adulterating, serial grifter is leading the race for them. Absolutely amazing. I guess it's true what I heard. The only American Standards^tm^ are toilet seats. Imagine how awful you have to be as a person to vote for someone like that! So god damn weird.

I love this!

The only American Standards are toilet seats


Meanwhile, the Japanese have much better toilets.

My god yes they do. Bidets should be more common in the US.

Bidets are awesome. However I think American men think acknowledging you even have an a****** is gay.

I appreciated the heated toilet seats even more.

I heard that in a song about 25-30 years ago. I don't even remember the group, but I would like to give them credit.

It's perhaps more prescient now than it ever was. Society 30 years ago was much saner and more stable. These days everyone be on a hair trigger.

I get a laugh every time I see "American Standard Plebe"

People will do some wild things when someone tells them what they want to hear. As long as he keeps fighting the "elite" they'll follow in droves.

Trump's gonna be in a trial for espionage right as he's accepting the Republican nomination for president in 2024...

He convinced his supporters a long time ago that anything against him is a hoax or witch hunt or the deep state out to get him or whatever, so they'll vote for him regardless. They don't care he'll be in trial.

Which will mean absolutely nothing to his cultists.

It's actually taken as a sign he's doing something right, because he's being """persecuted"""

So they’re all in on the criminal traitor. WTF Iowa?

recently saw an article quoting a trumper, along the lines of "i don't care what he says, he's got my vote".

that's the average conservative for you. He's their guy, they either don't fucking care or just don't fucking know. Lot of the facts are just discarded because mainstream media/fake news/libs/wokeism, whatever. They never even consider the content, the judgement is made before a single word is read or heard.

DeSantis is polling beneath Haley in South Carolina?

Wooooooof. So much for his regional support. You're supposed to be at least kinda a hit in the DeSouth, Mr. Muppet Made for Satan. You're making Jeb Bush look good.

Nikki Haley is the former governor or South Carolina. She was broadly liked after her good leadership during a Hurricane that hit the state.

We need to rethink democracy

I would say democracy is less of a problem, the problem is lack of accountability at least on constitutional level. One of the biggest thing I'd add to the constitution is a rule that mandates for every dollar we spent on the military, another dollar must be spent on education.

While I appreciate the sentiment, such a law would be far too rigid to work in practice. What happens if we get into another world war? Military spending goes up by necessity, but then so does education and the military budget has a much lower ceiling than it would otherwise.

Obviously there would be exceptions, but in general for the last few decades, we have been mainly engaging conflicts outside of the US. So until it is in our home territory, it a good idea to put a limit on the military and divert fund to education. Don't Let the Perfect Be the Enemy of the Good

We need to rethink our electoral system because it undermines democracy.

Funnily enough, Trump would very much agree with you.

And you'd both be wrong.

Funnily enough, Trump would very much agree with you.

And you’d both be wrong.

Hmm, probably. But we need to rethink the details of how US democracy works.

First past the post elections are as much or more a problem than the current state of gerrymandering to our overall health as a nation (IMO), and I bizarrely find myself agreeing in different measures with both supporters and detractors of the electoral college system.

I don't have much in the way of solutions, but smarter folks than me should be figuring out how to fix these issues fairly (and probably already have) - so we can modernize without destroying our system.

For sure, there are absolutely reforms that we should strongly consider. But that's different from this attitude of "ugh, the voters are so stupid and really need to be protected from themselves by a powerful figure who happens to agree with all of my ideas", which you do see floated around in the more authoritarian camps of both political sides.

I wasn't only thinking about Trump or USA in my comment. Generally voters these day are only skin thick. They spend their vote like voting for a reality show

People need to know that there is more on the line. I don't think that democracy as such is broken but people exercising it need to be educated about it