The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood. to politics – 98 points –
The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood.

I can usually spot the stream of drool a few yards out.

i feel like really the best way to find out is to ask them

Not really, my parents voted for him twice, and will vote for him again, but they are very careful around me to act like they would not.

"Well, they're all pretty bad" seems to me to mean "I vote against my self interests"

yeah, that's code for the "both sides" argument.

It's a funny thing to watch, people that want to like T but don't want to be associated with the absolute chucklefucks that make up the red cap contingent amonst them, so it ends up this "yeah, but shhh!" kind of state.

'I hate poor people, minorities, and immigrants, but I don't want anyone to know that!"

And you call yourself reality boy? Clearly your parents are creating a fantasy for you.

Knowing that my father voted for trump twice doesn't feel nice. Luckily I live in a different country.

Well, they know you're intelligent...

While, there are outliers, it's pretty easy to trip up a Trumpet into revealing they're a Trumper.

One of my go to's is to make a statement the seems to support Trump but get a detail wrong. A Trumper will immediately correct you

To be clear, the article is talking about correlations in polling, not suggesting you strike up conversations with your neighbors.

not suggesting you strike up conversations with your neighbors.

I don't know, maybe we should be doing that more often...

With people getting shot for knocking on a door? No thank you.

there has to be a “who fid you vote for” poll to correlate against, no?

While I differ from conservatives on most issues, I actually agree with them on some aspects of the gender war. Feminism does demonize men in its efforts to champion women sometimes, and it’s been a rather frustrating and depressing experience to see that most liberals seem totally blind to what I see as superficially subtle, but very clear signs in popular media and politics. As examples, I’d point to the recent Barbie film, which portrays men as buffoonish caricatures of patriarchal stereotypes a perhaps a bit dated moment in politics from a decade back, wherein Barrack Obama celebrated in a speech women making up 60% of college graduates.

I obviously won’t be voting Republican, but I really do hope the Left reigns in the misandry and finds a way to advocate for women without shitting on men.

the recent Barbie film, which portrays men as buffoonish caricatures

If there's one thing men hate, it's being funny in comedy movies.

the term "satire" is begging your acquaintance

oh, look, it works!

Conservative's chief flaw is their love of dishonesty and contempt for honesty. Liberal's chief flaw is that they sometimes point the outrage machine at the wrong target.

Yeah you're right, women aren't doing their movement right, they should let men do it for them since they'll do it right

If it's being run by people like you, who can't even read a civil comment on the internet and respond in a civil fashion, I think it's doomed no matter what gender you are.

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