Massive bug found

no banana to Lemmy – 440 points –

Fucking eggs come out of their arses!

You can dupe food? This changes everything...

Earth is entirely balanced with no known exploits

Oh yes! But ladies and gentlemen, food is boring. We, of course, will create a bright future for society with never-ending Yorkshire Tea!

More anti-agriculture propaganda from an obvious banana.

Big Tractor will not get me, and I will never be in close proximity to any banana. 🚫🍌

Why are you afraid of big tractor if you're not a banana? I'm bird-dogging you, banana, I'm gonna expose you.

I'm not making any claims on my bananayness. I'm just not going to be around any exterior bananas, whether I am one or not. No banana. Obviously not.

Always have been. Why are you so insistent in your questioning of my banana free reputation?

"Always have been" specific in your denials... like the specific insistence that you're not a banana. I'm starting to wonder if you're some other kind of berry. It would fit the evidence just as well.

I'm not saying anything about whether or not I happen to be a banana. Just that I won't be around them.

Why are you afraid of big tractor if you're not a banana?

Seems either you or I have very inaccurate notions about how bananas are cultivated and harvested 🤔

We can't blame the paupers for their unawareness of such methods. We can only blame ourselves.

With this one trick.
Hunter gatherers hate it.
Number 3 will SHOCK you!

Sorry guys but its not actually infinite. The shitpost is wrong.

Shitposts seem infinite. If not in quantity, at least infinitely alluring.

Why waste time being warm blooded creatures? Heat up planet and let air keep you warm 😎

I will control the army and make you pay me a portion of it every month.

Also maybe some gold statues of myself.

Keep up the good work you hacker!

You and what army? Those brigands over there? I'm already paying them for protecting the farm. Leave or I'll have them turn you into mush!

You pay them but I've married my daughter to their leader. We will split the process after we've arrested you for treason.

Pretty good idea that law thing. I might pay someone to carve it into a stone dinner day.

I paid his cronies double their rations to murder the wench. I also focused the whole community on building a dungeon to keep you in. If you ever return we shall put you there for life.